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MajestyJo 05-30-2018 01:05 PM

May 30

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you call us friends
and you call each one of us
by name.
May your Holy Spirit
be fully alive in us
that we may truly
appreciate and love ourselves,
and so more readily
value and serve others.
When we experience sorrow
or the loss of someone,
give us courage and support
that we may better encourage others
who share
the same kind of experience.
Lead us to act justly and fairly,
helping people
to see the best in one another,
so that those who have fallen out
may be reconciled and live in peace.
May we learn always
to be genuine and sincere,
avoiding arrogance
and doing others down,
treating other people
as the equals that they are.
Bless us when times are hard,
and walk with us
as the Good Shepherd
who leads and protects. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-30-2018 07:03 PM

May 31

Let us pray:
God our Father,
I pray that I may live in such a way
that I choose wisely each day,
and take responsibility
for the choices that I make.
Inspire me to use for good
my education
and all the challenges
that I will face,
that I may grow more fully human,
and do good to those around me.
Teach me to discern good from evil
that I may grow
in integrity of character
and develop a true sense of values
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother. Amen.

MajestyJo 06-02-2018 11:13 AM


May my horizon this day, Lord,
not be so foreshortened that I notice little.
Instead, open my eyes
that I may see afar and above
as well as in front and beneath me.
Lead me to keep my life in perspective and balance
and discover that the thread of your presence
is interwoven through the events and people of this day.

Let us pray:
Lord our God, open us up to your Spirit
living within us,
that we may live fully
each day of our lives.
Touch us,
that we may become more aware
of all that is around us,
growing in a sense
of wonder and awe,
and in appreciation
for all that we see and hear
and touch, taste and smell.
May we live in such a way
that we never take anything
for granted,
but always be appreciative
and express our thanks
to those who are part of our lives.

MajestyJo 06-02-2018 11:14 AM

June 2

Let us pray:
Lord, you have given skills and talents
to each of us,
and you are pleased
when we use them well.
I ask
that I may work well with others
and bring out the best in them
as well as in myself.
Lead me to live in such a way
that I show appreciation
for the achievements
of all who use their talents well.

MajestyJo 06-02-2018 10:30 PM

June 3

Let us pray:
Lord our God,
you have made me
in your own likeness
and you love all that you have made.
I thank you
for all that has been positive
in my life.
I ask that I may live in such a way
that I may learn
from whatever I may find
is negative or hurtful in my life.
May my disabilities and weaknesses
teach me
how to be sensitive to individuals,
that I may grow
more caring and compassionate
with others who experience difficulties.
May I grow in strength of character
through all that happens to me,
living fully each day.

MajestyJo 06-05-2018 08:17 AM

June 4

We’ll use as our prayer some words of
Saint Ignatius Loyola:
Teach us, good Lord,
to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will. Amen.

MajestyJo 06-05-2018 08:19 AM

June 5

Let us pray, using words based on that
speech of Robert Kennedy:
Lord, we pray
that we may not be people
of hatred or violence or lawlessness,
but people of love and wisdom
and compassion towards one another,
having a sense of justice
towards all who suffer.
These things that we pray for
give us your grace to work for.

MajestyJo 06-05-2018 10:47 PM

June 6

Let us pray:
Lord our God,
inspire us to make our choices well
and understand our responsibilities
and the consequences of what we do.
Help us to make good use
of the opportunities that come to us.
Lead us to be positive in our attitude,
that we may work well with others
and live this day to the full. Amen.

MajestyJo 06-06-2018 10:43 AM

June 7

Let us pray:
show me how to learn from others,
how to be patient,
and how to persevere. Amen.

MajestyJo 06-06-2018 10:54 AM

it was important for me to feed my soul with daily affirmations.

MajestyJo 06-07-2018 11:55 PM

In March or April each year the Jewish
community celebrates the Feast of Passover,
calling to mind how God used Moses
to lead the people from slavery in
Egypt. 50 days later - in May or June - is
held the Jewish Feast of Pentecost (from
a Greek word for 50). It calls to mind that
God gave the 10 Commandments to
2 The 10 Commandments can be phrased
in this way:
1 Give God the first place in your life.
2 Don’t love anything more than you love
3 Show respect to everything that’s holy,
particularly God’s name.
4 You need one day of the week free for
rest and for worshipping God.
5 Respect your parents and all who care
for you.
6 Do not kill anyone.
7 Sexual love is special - keep it for the
person you’re married to.
8 Don’t take what isn’t yours.
9 Don’t do people down by spreading lies
about them.
10 Don’t be jealous of what others have.

We’ll use as a reflection today the words
of a hymn that the Jewish community
uses at the Feast of Pentecost:
If all the ocean was ink,
and if every blade of grass
was a quill with which to write;
if the earth itself was parchment,
and if every person
started to write on it,
there would not be enough ink or pens
or parchment or people
to write fully
of God’s love and greatness.

MajestyJo 06-08-2018 09:35 PM

June 9

Let us pray:
Lord our God,
may I learn
to treat others generously,
with respect,
and with care and understanding,
that we may all
bring out the best in one another.

MajestyJo 06-09-2018 10:03 PM

June 10

Let us pray:
Lord, lead me to look for the positive
in all people
and in all situations.
May I help bring light
to those in darkness,
and encouragement
to those who feel unhappy.
May I show as much care for others
as I would like them to show for me.

MajestyJo 06-11-2018 09:14 AM

June 11

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we can read in the Gospel
of your attitude
towards those
whom others looked down on.

Zacchaeus, the tax-collector,
was rejected by others,
but you called him by his name
and ate in his house.

You did not condemn the woman
who was about to be stoned
for adultery,
but you called her
to change her life

The woman
who was drawing water from the well
was there in the midday heat,
cut off by others
because she was a Samaritan.
Yet she was one of the very few
whom you told directly
that you were the Messiah.

You have told us
not to be afraid or anxious,
and you said that the last will be first.
You assure us
that, as God the Father
even takes care of sparrows,
we are worth more
than hundreds of sparrows.

We think of people
being ‘put down’ or ‘bullied’
and we ask you this day, Lord,
to remind us of the respect
that each person deserves.
Lead us
to be as encouraging and positive
to others
as we would like them to be to us.

MajestyJo 06-12-2018 06:58 AM

June 12

Let us pray:
Help me, Lord,
to discover the talents
I have been given,
and not to let them lie unused
but to make the best use of them
both for myself and for others.
May sport help
to bring out the best in people,
teaching us the lessons
of commitment and co-operation,
of fairness and appreciation.
May sports and hobbies and interests
help me to develop my personality
that I may be renewed and re-created
in your image and likeness. Amen.

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