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bluidkiti 12-16-2017 05:31 AM

December 16

Stop and start

Stop caring so much about things that don’t matter. Invest your time, effort, energy in the things that do.

Stop pretending to yourself and others that you’re perfect. Your shortcomings make you real, authentic, and besides, nobody believes you’re perfect anyway.

Stop obsessing over who is to blame for the problem. Start working to create a great solution.

Stop putting things off until conditions are ideal. Start to work from where you are, with what you have, doing all you can do with the situation as it is.

Stop complaining that there’s not enough time. Start making full use of the time you have, right now.

Stop cheating yourself with excuses, procrastination, doubt and fear, out of the great life you deserve to live. Start giving all you have to joyfully lift up all there is.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-16-2017 05:32 AM

December 17

The benefit of your action

Escape the stale confinement of wishing, waiting, wondering. Refresh your day with action.

Shake off the excuses and rationalizations, the second guesses, regrets and indecisiveness. Energize your life with action.

Not every action will bring the results you desire. Yet the more you take action, the more effective you become at achieving what you choose.

Every time you act you create valuable experience. Besides producing results, that experience builds on itself, boosting your confidence and competence.

Is there something you wish you had done sooner? Or is there something you’ve been trying to decide how to start?

Give your attitude, your life, your world the benefit of your action. Do yourself a favor today, and get it done.

-Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 12-18-2017 05:12 AM

December 18

Focus on the goodness

Choose words today that encourage. Choose actions today that assist, empower, unify.

Live today with generosity, gratitude, wonder and enthusiasm. Be slow to anger, quick to forgive, understanding and patient with yourself and others.

Offer your smile, offer your kindness. Give your respect and your positive presence.

This is the world you live in, the day you have to work with. Make it your intention to make it a good, supportive time and place.

Many good people are going to do many good things today. Take the opportunity to add your own beneficial actions to the mix.

What you focus on gains power and influence in your life, in your world. So focus on the goodness, and watch as that goodness spreads.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-19-2017 05:26 AM

December 19

Brand new ground

It doesn’t matter so much where you are. What matters is where you think you are, how you see yourself.

Where you’ve been can be interesting, inspiring and highly instructive. What’s much more relevant, though, is where you’re headed.

The past is finished, sealed into history, unchangeable. Put its victories, shortcomings, assumptions behind you.

Give yourself the extreme advantage of a positive, empowering attitude today, here and now. Whatever you did or failed to do, or thought or said before, now you have brand new ground to cover.

Wrap yourself around the fresh new opportunity that is right now. Give your best efforts, your highest values, your most fervent energy to the moment you’re now living.

Acknowledge that this time right now is on track to be the most successful time you’ve ever known. And everything you have, everything you are, will push you to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-20-2017 05:52 AM

December 20

Great things you can do

Go ahead and make it happen. Forget about what others might think.

There are plenty of challenges, obstacles, things that could go wrong. But none of that has to stop you.

Prepare yourself well for what you intend to do, then do it. Step forward, keep going, and persist until the job is done.

Yes, you’ll make mistakes, suffer setbacks, experience your share of frustration, inconvenience, and discomfort. But that’s no reason to shy away from the good things you know you can accomplish.

The temporary pains of your effort are nothing compared to the permanent pain of regret you’d have if you let the opportunity pass you by. So jump in, meet the challenges, give the best you have.

Don’t leave yourself always wondering what might have been. Use this opportunity to show yourself and the world all the great things you can do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-21-2017 05:37 AM

December 21

You can do this

You can do this. Though the resistance inside you is strong, that strength doesn’t matter when you let the resistance go.

You can make this happen. Your energy begins to increase the moment you put it to use.

You deserve to achieve. Make the effort, pay the price, do the work to give yourself what you deserve.

You can take the first small step. You can know the thrill of making a difference, and you can build on that momentum.

You can rise above the meaningless noise, confusion, distractions. Feel the power of your focus as you make great progress.

You can set your intention, make the choice to do this and then, you can do this. Go ahead, fulfill the potential that’s already yours, and claim the achievement you’re here right now to create.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-22-2017 05:58 AM

December 22

Make your thinking intentional

The quality of your thoughts from moment to moment greatly impacts the quality of your life. From your thoughts flow your choices, your actions, the way you look at life, the way you respond to whatever happens.

You wouldn’t drink water from a filthy cesspool. And you wouldn’t want to derive your thoughts from the mental equivalent of a cesspool.

Make your thinking, and the source of your thoughts, intentional. Don’t sit endlessly in front of a screen and allow random thoughts of dubious origin to be fed to you.

Yes, pay attention to what’s going on in your world, and consider the perspectives of others. Yet make your own thoughts, the thoughts that fill your mind throughout the day, of your own choosing.

Select your thoughts based on your purpose, your values, your dreams, what you love and care about. Choose thoughts that empower, impassion, inspire and energize you.

Take care not to let your thoughts be dominated by those who do not have your best interests at heart. Take active responsibility for your own thoughts, making use of their great power to move your life and your world positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-23-2017 06:08 AM

December 23

Follow through

Follow through on your possibilities. Follow through on your dreams, no matter how old they are, or how long they’ve been dormant.

You had the idea, you had the inspiration, and you have the potential to make it happen. Now, follow through.

Something caused you to put it off. Now, pick it back up.

The desire has grown stronger, and your ability has grown even more. Take out your dream, dust it off, and do it.

Fulfill the potential you know you have, and make good on the promise you made to yourself. You had a good reason to make that promise, and now you have an even better reason to see it through.

Life may have gotten in the way, yet now is a new opportunity. Get it done, follow through, and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-23-2017 06:08 AM

December 24

Allow peace to be

Let go of the troubles and let peace into this moment. Allow peace to be, and let your life give new life to it.

Breathe in the fresh air of possibility. Feel the energy of love deep within you.

See that most of the things that seem so urgent are not really that important. Choose right now to focus your life, your awareness, on what truly matters.

In this moment, there is no stress, no conflict, nothing you need. For you are here, aware, experiencing the beauty, wonder, goodness of existence.

Stay for a little while and feel the part of you that is always you. Feel how your essence transcends time and circumstance.

Sink deeper into the peaceful presence and absorb its positive power. Then, step forward and share that peace with all of life.

-Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 12-25-2017 05:41 AM

December 25

Give of yourself

Give new peace to the moment. Give new hope to the day.

Give laughter, kindness, understanding. Give your time to be there with those you love, to listen, to share the beautiful experience of simply being.

There are hearts you can warm today. There are burdens you can ease, joys you can share.

Give of yourself, and add treasure to your heart that will always be there. Give birth to new richness, and let it spread through the lives around you.

Experience again and again how right it feels to make the world a little brighter. Lose yourself in a generous spirit, letting worries and concerns and judgments melt away.

Give the best of who you are. And who you are gets better, along with all of life.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-26-2017 06:15 AM

December 26

Linger long enough

It’s good to live and work with a sense of urgency. But that doesn’t mean everything must be done in a rush.

Life has a certain rhythm and pace. If you attempt to race ahead of the moment, you miss its richness.

Making your efforts faster does not necessarily make them better. Being always anxious about what’s coming next, prevents you from giving your full focus to what’s happening now.

Be careful not to reduce your life to just a meaningless blur of activity. Give the things you do the time they deserve, at a pace that’s most effective.

Give yourself the time to fully experience each moment. Give others the time to share meaningful conversation, presence and companionship.

There’s much more to life than just quickly checking the boxes. Realize the great value of right now, and linger long enough to make all that value yours.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-27-2017 06:00 AM

December 27

Live with goodness

The worst response to the pettiness of others is with pettiness of your own. You’re bigger than that, with much better things to do.

Someone else’s selfishness is not a good reason for you to be selfish. Let it serve instead as a powerful reminder to be more generous, kind, considerate.

You will not find any lasting fulfillment by propagating a lot of manufactured drama. Set your sights higher, much higher, seeking with humility and respect to make a genuine contribution to every situation, to every person you encounter.

All sorts of people will in all sorts of ways attempt to offend you. But you never have to be roped into their fruitless games.

Choose to let the shortsighted behavior of others bounce right off you. Concern yourself with being your best, with living your highest values, with benefitting the lives around you.

Stay strong, grow stronger, responding always by aligning your focus on positive purpose. Persevere in your choice to think, to act, to live with goodness, kindness, and love.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-28-2017 08:02 AM

December 28

Getting upset

Getting upset about the problem does not solve the problem. It does, however, burn up time and energy, and poison your attitude.

Fretting is a poor substitute for action. Let go of the fretting, and opt for the action.

As natural as it may feel to get upset by life’s setbacks, you do have another choice. Instead of getting mired in dismay, you can decide to quickly pick yourself back up.

Just because you have something to get upset about, doesn’t mean you have to get upset. Getting upset doesn’t make you feel better, and it doesn’t accomplish anything, so there’s really no point in it.

What does move you forward is a positive perspective, and that’s something you can choose any time you wish. What does move you forward is focused, determined, effective action.

If you feel yourself getting upset, remind yourself that you have much better options. Choose a positive response, and get quickly beyond whatever was threatening to pull you down.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-29-2017 05:36 AM

December 29

Whatever you expect

Once you decide you can do it, you can do it. Once you decide you will do it, you’ll find yourself taking the necessary actions.

Get your own expectations on your side. You’ll suddenly have a powerful ally.

Those expectations reach deep into every decision, every moment. It’s far better to have them constantly working for you than to fight against them.

Expect to get the work done in two weeks, and you’ll get it done in two weeks. Expect to get it done by next Thursday, and you’ll have it finished by next Thursday.

Before the achievement, must come the genuine and unquestioned expectation. As that expectation remains strong and present, the achievement solidifies into reality.

Choose wisely what you truly expect from yourself. Because whatever you continue to expect is precisely what you’ll do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 12-30-2017 05:42 AM

December 30

New possibilities up ahead

Everything you’ve ever achieved was done with less knowledge and less experience than you possess today. Now that you’ve learned more and done more, just imagine what great things you can do next.

You’ve worked your way through all kinds of challenges. From each one, you’ve emerged with new strength.

Going forward, you’re able to put that strength to good use. Live and work with all the confidence you’ve already earned, and as you do, you’ll build even more.

You’ve taken many steps to get where you are, ready today to step into your future. Every past moment has prepared you to live that future with the best you have.

The joys, disappointments, discoveries, setbacks, challenges and victories all still live inside you. Let them push you, inspire you, inform you, enlighten you as you encounter the new possibilities up ahead.

Your future is ready to begin, and there is much you have to offer it. Make good and meaningful use of it all, and make it the best time ever.

— Ralph Marston

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