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bluidkiti 04-01-2015 11:50 AM

Today I will . . . - April
April 1

Today I will...ask God for the grace to see myself accurately. I will use the gifts the Lord has given me, and I will not grieve my Creator by walking in pride because of them(1 Corinthians 4:7).

BW1 04-01-2015 03:01 PM

Today I authentic and sincere

bluidkiti 04-02-2015 09:26 AM

April 2

Today I will...allow the Lord to govern my emotions.

BW1 04-02-2015 10:45 AM

Today I will...remember the core of the reason for Easter

bluidkiti 04-03-2015 10:25 AM

April 3

Today I will...look at the bigger picture and remember that the Lord is ultimately in charge of my life.

bluidkiti 04-04-2015 08:53 AM

April 4

Today I thankful that the blood of God's lamb, Yeshua, is applied to the doorpost of my heart.

bluidkiti 04-05-2015 08:40 AM

April 5

Today I will...give God thanks for the great redemption which he has given me through the atoning death of his Son.

bluidkiti 04-06-2015 09:30 AM

April 6

Today I open to the possibility that the "you" in the above Scripture refers to me.

bluidkiti 04-07-2015 09:50 AM

April 7

Today I will...ask the Lord to help me see others through his eyes, to love my enemies just as God loves me.

bluidkiti 04-08-2015 09:04 AM

April 8

Today I will...meditate on all that God did to deliver me

bluidkiti 04-09-2015 10:08 AM

April 9

Today I will...remember the price that was paid for my sins on that first-century Passover day in Jerusalem.

bluidkiti 04-10-2015 10:00 AM

April 10

Today I out ways in which I can serve others, that they may see Messiah in me.

bluidkiti 04-11-2015 09:32 AM

April 11

Today I will...clean out any spiritual leaven and let the sweetness of the Holy Spirit show forth to those around me.

bluidkiti 04-12-2015 10:18 AM

April 12

Today I will...not add to Scripture, nor detract from it, but I will seek to understand and apply it correctly.

bluidkiti 04-13-2015 10:22 AM

April 13

Today I will...give thanks for the rich customs which remind me of what God has done for me through his Son, Jesus.

bluidkiti 04-14-2015 09:23 AM

April 14

Today I will. . .ask what would Jesus do before I make decisions.

bluidkiti 04-15-2015 08:18 AM

April 15

Today I a true witness, a picture of God's grace and righteousness.

bluidkiti 04-16-2015 09:41 AM

April 16

Today I will...contemplate the message of Jesus and prepare His return.

bluidkiti 04-17-2015 09:22 AM

April 17

Today I will...follow Jesus closely by openly declaring my loyalty to him, even at the risk of mockery or rejection

bluidkiti 04-18-2015 09:07 AM

April 18

Today I will...purpose in my heart to serve the Lord. I will not compromise with the world, but I will let the light of Jesus shine brightly within me.

bluidkiti 04-19-2015 10:08 AM

April 19

Today I will...meditate on God's promises so that my faith will be prepared to withstand life's trials and the temptations of the Adversary.

bluidkiti 04-20-2015 10:30 AM

April 20

Today I will...let the failures, the sin, the pain, and the guilt of the past be healed by God.

bluidkiti 04-21-2015 10:00 AM

April 21

Today I will ...remember that all my needs are met by turning towards the one who is the living Temple of God.

bluidkiti 04-22-2015 11:48 AM

April 22

Today I will ...get alone with the Lord and let him do his work in me, instead of relying on my own cleverness.

bluidkiti 04-23-2015 10:01 AM

April 23

Today I will...walk in the confidence of my salvation in Jesus, and will look for ways to share that same hope with others.

bluidkiti 04-24-2015 11:15 AM

April 24

Today I the road less traveled, the one Jesus would take.

bluidkiti 04-25-2015 10:19 AM

April 25

Today I will...remember Jesus' promise to us: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." (John 14:12).

BW1 04-25-2015 02:01 PM

Today I will...stand for Christ.

bluidkiti 04-26-2015 10:46 AM

April 26

Today I will ...reject all carnal judgments about my brothers and sisters, and see them as God sees them.

bluidkiti 04-27-2015 10:26 AM

April 27

Today I will ...thank God for the chance to be trained by him, through success and even trial.

BW1 04-27-2015 01:20 PM

Today I will ...remain grateful.

bluidkiti 04-28-2015 08:39 AM

April 28

Today I will ...correct any habits or attitudes in my life that reveal a waning eagerness to follow Messiah.

BW1 04-28-2015 08:44 AM

Today I will ... cherish friendships God places in my life.

bluidkiti 04-29-2015 10:07 AM

April 29

Today I will ...put aside all worries and trust in the Lord to provide for all of my needs.

BW1 04-29-2015 02:30 PM

Today I will ... enjoy and praise Him for this beautiful glorious day.

bluidkiti 04-30-2015 11:28 AM

April 30

Today I will ...thank God for the trials in my life and look for the blessing that he wants to bring about through them.

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