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dwmoeller 09-18-2019 08:39 AM

N is for NUTS


dwmoeller 09-25-2019 11:32 AM

O is for Open

Open your ears at the meetings. You take what you need and leave the rest. Not only open your ears, but also open your mind and your heart.

MajestyJo 09-29-2019 01:46 AM

P is for progress, not perfection. In Al-Anon they say aim toward perfection. I am sure that many have already hit the bull's eye, but they forget that we have a progressive disease, and it is waiting in the wings waiting to jump us when we miss that target and start beating on ourselves. I have to say, "Pardon my humanness, just for today I choose not to use or abuse anyone, including me."

dwmoeller 10-31-2019 07:20 AM

Q is for Quiet times

Set aside some quiet time in your busy day to meditate, read a devotion, reflect on your day, or pray.

MajestyJo 11-13-2019 05:36 PM

R is for Remember. Not only Remember When, but what it was like in early recovery. I know I never want to go through detoxing again.

Remember what it is like to have real friends.

MajestyJo 12-02-2019 05:16 PM

S is for Sobriety. To achieve sobriety, I had to quit all substances in order to recover.

MajestyJo 12-04-2019 06:35 PM

T is for Trust. Learn to trust your God. Through Him you will learn to trust yourself, then you can pass that trust on to others.

MajestyJo 01-02-2020 05:08 PM

I is for Unity. We can do what I can't do alone.

dwmoeller 01-10-2020 10:36 AM

V is for Victory in Recovery.

MajestyJo 02-03-2020 03:38 AM

W is for Why. Why not you. Are you so terminally unique that you should escape life. In recovery we are given the tools we need to deal with life on life's terms and we don't have to question Why, When, What, etc???

MajestyJo 02-06-2020 05:43 AM

X is for 'Xtremes. As addict s we often have problems with balance. We go from one 'xtreme to another. It is all or nothing at all. We need to find that middle ground.

dwmoeller 02-19-2020 08:43 AM

Y is for Yesterday

Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a Gift. That's why we call it the Present!

MajestyJo 04-01-2020 04:24 AM

Z is for Zip. When we are new, we need to zip our lips and sit back and listen. As the slogan says. Learn to listen, Listed to learn. Once the fellowship got me talking, there was no shutting me up. Hey people I have found this new way of life, let me tell you all about it.

dwmoeller 04-06-2020 06:27 AM

A is for Air

Air your resentments. don't bottle them up.

dwmoeller 04-16-2020 02:36 PM

B is for Be

Be humble -- Humility is not in thinking of yourself more, but in thinking more of yourself less often. Watch the ego.

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