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bluidkiti 03-14-2024 01:52 AM

March 14

You can handle it

It will be messy, inconvenient, and tedious, yet it must be done. Fortunately, you can handle it.

It will take time and effort you’d rather be spending elsewhere. But instead of resenting the imposition and making it even worse, you can cheerfully get busy and get it done.

Life is not all marshmallows and cupcakes. There are important jobs to be completed, difficult obstacles to be overcome, challenges you cannot merely wish away.

Yet you have what it takes to do the work and solve the problems you’re faced with. And it is precisely by dealing with life’s difficulties that you enable yourself to enjoy life’s richness.

If everything was free and effortless all the time, how could you possibly find joy in any of it? With nothing painful or difficult to compare it to, you could not even recognize or experience comfort and enjoyment.

Whatever the challenge, whatever the effort, whatever the inconvenience, when it’s necessary to create a valuable outcome, you can handle it. The more you do so, the more goodness you invite into your world.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-15-2024 07:39 AM

March 15

Diligence matters

Nothing falls completely apart all at once. Nothing comes fully together all at once.

Most consequential occurrences, whether negative or positive, do not instantly spring into existence. To create more of what’s good, to steer away from what’s bad, requires continuing effort over time.

With diligence you leverage the small moments to create great influence. Diligence matters because of the power it enables you to claim over the unfolding of your life.

Act with intention today, then again tomorrow, and continue as each new situation arises. With your commitment to positive purpose, invoke the power of your own diligence.

Fully live this moment. But don’t get so lost in it that you neglect the diligence that can make such a positive difference.

Enjoy the richness of today. Appreciate all the goodness your diligence has brought, and work to keep that goodness coming.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-16-2024 04:26 AM

March 16

Exceptional life

Wander, wonder, discover, admire. Celebrate, attempt, persevere, achieve.

Give, understand, listen, consider, reconsider. Do all that makes you real, all that brings you closer to truth.

Dance freely, breathe deeply, explore with curiosity and respect. Begin each day with hope, and keep that hope alive as every moment passes.

Lose yourself in the experience of beauty. Find yourself in sustained purposeful effort.

Carry out your grown-up responsibilities while expressing the limitless energy of the child that’s always lived inside you. Be rich in ways only you can be.

Today is an irreplaceable day of your exceptional life. Live it with all the care, joy, and amazement it deserves.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-16-2024 04:27 AM

March 17

Being more patient

Patience costs nothing yet it can change everything. Patience will add power throughout your life.

You gain nothing when you seek to jump ahead of the moment. Instead, give your activities and experiences the time and attention they deserve.

Patience lets you see things you would have otherwise missed. Patience enables you to communicate clearly, accurately, in rich detail.

Patience strengthens relationships. Patience leads you toward wisdom and deep understanding.

Rather than merely skimming the surface, with patience you can experience great richness in the full story. Calm anxiety, increase intention and reduce carelessness, with patience.

Remind yourself often that you can be more patient. There’s much to be gained when you do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-18-2024 04:38 AM

March 18

Choose good thoughts

If you’re frustrated, worried, or annoyed, it’s because you’ve decided to be. And the moment you remind yourself of it, you can decide differently.

You have ample reasons to think negative thoughts. You also have the ability to replace those thoughts with more empowering ones.

It’s valuable to notice and acknowledge life’s difficulties, to be realistic about them. That enables you to make meaningful improvements and helps you avoid trouble.

But there’s negligible value in obsessing over negative factors you can’t do anything about. Instead, point your powerful thoughts in a direction where they can do some good.

All through the day, every day, you can decide exactly which thoughts will fill your mind. Select the ones that lead you toward achievement, fulfillment, kindness, and understanding.

Think of positive purpose, confidence, excellence, patience, beauty, and determination. Choose good thoughts, and follow where they lead.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-19-2024 07:12 AM

March 19

Unpleasant reality

The way to deal with an unpleasant reality is not to hide from it or deny it. Instead, recognize it and then set about to either change it or change the way it affects your life.

You can admit reality without admitting defeat. Accepting things for what they are does not prevent you from changing them.

Indeed, the opposite is true. As soon as you can clearly see and own up to the reality of the situation, you have begun to gain power over it.

Engage your imagination, and picture a positive alternative to the unpleasant reality. Then put your passion, your skills, and your resources to work, and bring that alternative to life.

Every opportunity that exists is based in truth and reality. By acknowledging and embracing reality, you give yourself the opportunity to improve upon it.

Accept and understand your life as it is, and visualize the way you would like it to be. Then, with your intention clearly and firmly in mind, get to work and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-20-2024 04:33 AM

March 20

Fresh possibilities

No matter how many years you have passed through, you’ll find fresh possibilities in each new day. Today is no exception.

The burdens may be heavy, the challenges great. Yet opportunities abound to live with purpose and fulfillment.

Look beyond the concerns and limitations of the moment. Align your thoughts and actions with the goodness that can be.

You always have potential that’s not been fully realized. There are plenty of good things you can do that have not yet been done.

The stretch of time you’re just now entering is one you can fill with meaningful purpose and lasting value. Draw energy from the realm of possibilities as you move forward.

Feel the sense of excitement as you activate your abilities with intention and focus. Now is time to live at your highest level.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-21-2024 06:02 AM

March 21

Richness of who you are

You don’t have to know every answer. You don’t have to witness every spectacle.

You have no need to acquire every possession. There is negligible value in experiencing every possible sensation.

Joy is found not in quantity but in quality. Fulfillment comes as a result of discernment rather than unbounded accumulation.

You have to allow many things to pass you by. That gives you the time, the space, the focus to invest yourself in what you care most about.

Yes, you are always missing out on something. That’s precisely what enables you to attend so well to all that truly matters.

Let go of any anxiety or jealousy surrounding what you might be missing. Instead of trying in vain to grab all you can, live the richness of who you are.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-22-2024 04:39 AM

March 22

The perfect day

Are you waiting for the perfect day to put your plans into action? That perfect day will never come.

Yet today is an entirely acceptable day for taking action. So go ahead, even though the situation is not perfect.

You’ve listed all the excuses time and time again. This time, step firmly beyond them.

Perhaps you were expecting better conditions, more time and resources than what you now have. Nonetheless, you’re capable of going forward with the way things are.

The results are what matter, not the excuses. Today is when you can begin to create those results.

Stop wishing and waiting for perfect. Go with what’s possible, and work to make plenty of good things happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-23-2024 04:38 AM

March 23

Courage to say yes

Today you’ll come across opportunities to speak and act with genuine love and kindness. Embrace those opportunities, make the most of them as often as you can.

For they are the moments that remain with you always. They are what you can continue to treasure even if you were to lose all else.

From time to time you’ll have a chance to walk in the sunshine. Give yourself often the gift of that experience, and share it with others when you can.

At times you’ll discover someone who can benefit greatly from the knowledge and assistance you have to offer. When you do, go ahead and make that offer, and you’re likely to be thankful you did.

A life of richness comes from saying yes to the opportunities for kindness, connection, genuine experience and caring. Be on the lookout for the circumstances and people to whom you can say yes.

Look back and remind yourself of all the goodness that’s entered your life because you had the courage to say yes. Let it inspire you to put that courage into action again and again.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-23-2024 04:38 AM

March 24

Continuing value

The past is over but it still has meaning. Because you’re always carrying value from the past into the present.

It’s impossible to live in the past. Yet all around you are treasures the past continues to deliver to you.

The language that gives meaning to these very words was developed over long periods of time in the past. The device on which you’re reading them, and the networks over which they’re delivered, grew from a more recent past.

Pretty much everything you know about is old news, because it has already happened. As eager as you might be to discover what’s next, take care not to abandon the value of all that has been.

Much of that value, even from centuries ago, can continue to benefit you as you speed into the future. Just because some particular truth is old does not make it irrelevant.

Indeed, some of the most relevant things are the ones that have survived the longest. Keep that in mind as you continue to inhabit the rich and potent frontier between the past and the future.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-25-2024 06:02 AM

March 25

Away from the problem

Maybe the best way to solve the problem is not to directly solve the problem. Perhaps the best way forward is to render the problem irrelevant.

The problem matters, and yet so does the overall picture. Don’t focus so intently on the problem that you ignore the wider context with all the positive possibilities it contains.

The most effective path away from the problem is likely to have nothing to do with the problem itself. But if your thinking is confined only to the problem, you won’t be able to imagine that solution.

Acknowledge what’s wrong, and then stop focusing on it. Give the power of your attention to all the things in your life that are right, and let them give power to you.

Keep in mind that your world is filled with abundant resources, and you can utilize them in an endless number of creative ways. Visualize yourself not as fixing what’s wrong but as creating something new and valuable.

Instead of being a victim of one thing or another, instead of getting mired in the problem, become inspired by the possibilities. Take a healthy dose of determination from the problem, then leave it far behind.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 03-26-2024 05:21 AM

March 26

Direct route

The shortest distance between two points is a simple, direct line. To live with optimum effectiveness and fulfillment, live life directly.

When there’s something you must accomplish, don’t waste time and energy on doubt, resentment, or procrastination. Just get busy and get it done, intentionally and directly.

If you make a mistake, you could put a lot of wasted effort into covering it up, crafting an excuse, or pretending it did not happen. What’s best, though, is to accept it, admit it, deal with the consequences, and move along.

Avoid jumping through a bunch of superficial hoops to gain status just so you can be accepted and liked by others. Instead, take the direct, genuine approach by being considerate, respectful, friendly and helpful.

If your life is continuously running up against complications and frustrations, stop and ask yourself what it is you truly want. Then consider that there is very likely a more direct way.

Be direct in your words, your actions, your plans and your thoughts. You’ll make much greater progress when your energy is all focused along a sure and direct path.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 03-26-2024 10:16 AM

Big Time Amen to That.

bluidkiti 03-27-2024 06:43 AM

March 27

Guiding purpose

When you have a reason, you have a way. So find the reason, the purpose within, the objective that pushes you into relentless action.

Open yourself up and admit what you care about, what drives you, excites you, compels you. Ramp up your energy and activate your courage.

Don’t just sit there and cast empty judgments on all you see from a purely conceptual and dispassionate perspective. Embrace the glorious fact that you’re thoroughly entangled in this thing that is life, and maximize your involvement.

You’re highly evolved and superbly equipped to solve problems, to achieve objectives, to create, to delight, to fill the world with new value and beauty. Zero in on the specific pursuits that ignite your passion, and feel the satisfaction of giving your best to them.

With a strong, meaningful guiding purpose, you create a solid structure that provides support for every endeavor. It serves as a bulwark against disruptions, disappointments, doubts, and deceptions.

Spend your moments in the service of what matters. Let the energy of your purpose bring a continuing stream of goodness and value to your world.

— Ralph Marston

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