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Distractions may interrupt your meditation. But in time, with practice and patience, you will easily learn to go beyond anything ‘coming in’ through your senses. Thus maintaining your focus of inner attention and therefore remaining undisturbed by distractions. |
Spotting the Good
We’re usually very good at spotting mistakes. We can also develop the quality of spotting the good in others and situations. If I keep thinking "they are wrong", I create a barrier which blocks me from reaching my own goodness. By going beyond the curtain of negativity, I will see and feel the good in myself and others. |
Invest in You
You've invested in countless things, countless people, but have you invested in your most important asset, YOU? Invest in you and you'll have more to give and what you have to offer will be richer. The benefits will spill over into all areas of your life. Invest in your personal development, your health, your wellbeing.... Make an investment in you. |
Life's Wake-Up Calls
When life gives you a wake-up call, do you hit the snooze button? Maybe it's not a convenient time, or you're too scared to do anything about it, or you just want to ignore it.... Keep hitting the snooze button & you keep postponing what you're avoiding. Why wait until your wake-up call becomes a full-blown alarm! Next time you're about to hit the snooze button to life's wake-up call, stop! Remind yourself:1) You have the courage & strength to handle anything; 2) You snooze, you lose. Wake up & face life! |
Capturing Ideas
Ideas happen anytime, anywhere. In the quiet, in a crowd, when you're walking, on public transport, waiting in queues, waiting for someone. How do you capture all those new, interesting, creative, ideas, insights and inspirations that come your way? Capture ideas on something that's accessible, and easy to organize and investigate later. Maybe use a notebook, your phone or an ***, rather than have lots of bits of notes everywhere. |
Like a Bookend
Just as bookends are used as supports to hold books upright, in the same way, there are people in our lives who do the same for us. They hold up our dignity & support us, especially when we feel a bit wobbly. So acknowledge & appreciate the bookends in your life. Now think about providing a similar support to others. Like a bookend, be dependable & let others lean on you without making them dependent on you. Support others through your smile, thoughts, presence & words. And they too can become a bookend for others. |
Morning Intentions
Today, I will be more relaxed, tactful, cheerful, a clear communicator.... Set one intention every morning, before you get out of bed or on your way to work. It could be on how you want to feel or be during the day. What's your intention, today? How will you put your intention into action? |
Making Assumptions
Assumptions are a part and parcel of life. We make so many assumptions about people, places and things. Assumptions are when we believe something to be true without actually knowing it to be so. We use assumptions as facts in our decision making process. When our assumptions are wrong, we may hurt others, make things complicated or have a misunderstanding. So, don't do it. Don’t assume! Be curious and ask for more information. Take the time to find out the facts. |
Inner Sanctuary Retreat
'Getting away from it all’ is something we all love to do. Why wait for the holidays! Whenever you need it, make time over the weekend for your very own retreat at home. Create a sanctuary. Drop the distractions. Take the phone off the hook. Listen to soothing music. Simply enjoy the solitude and some unstructured time. You can even use this time to review recent events, create new dreams or retreat into your inner space to renovate the soul. |
Thank God, It’s Monday
Forget TGIF (Thank God, It’s Friday). Think TGIM (Thank God, It’s Monday)! Increase your motivation, commitment, passion and the feeling of fun in the workplace. In other words, love what you do. Then you’ll happily go to work, Monday after Monday! |
What Are You Feeding Your Mind?
Our minds need to get fuel from somewhere. What is your mind's main food source? TV, news, music, podcasts, books, conversations....? Are you feeding your mind unhealthy junk that offers no nutritional value? Or are you feeding it something nourishing, wholesome, and healthy that is mind-stretching and life-enhancing? Every source of food you feed the mind affects your thinking. Your thinking affects everything. So make better choices in what you feed the mind. |
An Overloaded To-Do List
Is your to-do list overloaded? Unload your to-do list and make it more manageable with the 3 Ds! 1. Drop. If it doesn't need to be done, delete it from your list. 2. Defer. If it doesn't need to be done today, postpone it to another time. 3. Do. If it really needs to be done today, just do it. Try scheduling one big task for the day, three medium tasks and five small tasks. |
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
When you are misunderstood, it can all be too consuming & hurtful, especially if the other person negatively comments on what you said or didn't say, did or didn't do. To avoid not being consumed or hurt by it all, understand that 1) being misunderstood happens, 2) you don't have to engage with the other person's negativity. Understand that you can choose not to respond at all or you can clarify yourself & resolve the misunderstanding. Just move past being misunderstood & move on. |
Something for Yourself
When was the last time you did something for you? Bought yourself flowers? Cooked your favorite meal for yourself? Treated yourself to a day out? If you haven't done something nice for yourself recently, be good to yourself and do something today! |
When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best. Genuinely feel that there’s “no problem!” Tap into your inner stability, stay strong and be unflappable. Then you’ll be able to handle the situation gracefully. |
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