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MajestyJo 07-26-2016 09:05 PM

B is for Big. Think big, we only get out of our recovery what we put into it. A big hug from me to you.

dwmoeller 07-27-2016 09:53 AM

C is for Cherish

Cherish is the word I say about my recovery. I cherish the gift of sobriety that I have been given.

MajestyJo 07-28-2016 10:19 AM

D is for Denial. Sometimes we pull on the blanket of denial because we are not ready to face our issues. We are only as sick as our secrets and it is good to get them out into the open, whether you talk to a sponsor, a minister, a counselor, or a close friend that you trust. Denial can keep you sick and send you back out. My denial kept me sick for two years until I finally took steps to share my inner most secrets.

dwmoeller 07-29-2016 09:47 AM

E is for Effort

The program works if we work it. It takes effort on our part to follow our program of recovery in every aspect of our lives.

MajestyJo 08-01-2016 01:23 PM

F is for Forgiveness. Not only others, but forgive ourself too.

MajestyJo 08-03-2016 02:30 PM

G is for Gratitude. Grateful that I didn't have to go to the hospital yesterday, even though the medical student at my doctor's office told me I should have gone.

Old tapes GOT in the way, I was dressed and ready to go out the door and got no further.

dwmoeller 08-04-2016 09:45 AM

H is for Help

Help is just a phone call away. Don't be afraid to call someone when you need help. If you don't have a phone list, ask for one and use it when you need it.

MajestyJo 08-08-2016 10:12 PM

I is for Isms. The ISMs of my disease is I, Self, and Me. After me, you come first. I had to change that to "First things first" is recognizing my disease and doing what ever it takes to stay clean and sober.

MajestyJo 08-10-2016 06:49 PM

J is for Justification. Justification is a part of my disease. Justifiable anger does not make it right. Anger is anger and a danger to my recovery. I don't have to justify my existanc any more, it is okay to be me.

MajestyJo 08-14-2016 11:02 PM

K is for Kind. Be kind to yourself. Give to yourself what you give to othes. Keep making healthy choices. Get in touch with nature. Give yourself some TLC.

dwmoeller 08-15-2016 10:23 AM

L is for Listen

Learn to listen, not just hear. Be open-minded and non-judgmental.

MajestyJo 08-20-2016 01:18 AM

M is for Memories. Grateful for the memories of what ***, use to be like and sad that people no longer come to the site.

Grateful for the remember whens of prior to recovery and the ones in early recovey, and so grateful that I don't have to go back there if I remember to not pick up that first drink. I need to get out of the ISMs of my disease, "I, Self, and Me," and think of others.

If you need me, I'll be there.

MajestyJo 08-21-2016 10:23 PM

N is for Now. Live in the Now. It is all that we have. Stay in the moment and in the day. Don't drag the past into it, glance over your shoulder to look at it if you need to, so you don't make the same mistakes in today and don't project into the future.

Enjoy what is in today.

dwmoeller 08-22-2016 08:34 AM

O is for One Day at a Time

This AA slogan remind us that we stay sober one day at a time. A person can break it down even further: One hour at a time, One minute at a time, One second at a time....Whatever time frame you need at the moment to keep you from taking that first drink.

MajestyJo 08-23-2016 07:03 PM

P is for Patience. Patience is always a one day at a time thing. It is in my God's time, not mine. It is important to stay in today and not project into the future.

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