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bluidkiti 04-27-2021 04:51 AM

April 27

Do what you can do

Do what you can do. Someday you’ll be thankful for making good use of the time available to you.

Life is not fair and a whole lot of obstacles stand in your way. Time is short and you find it difficult to get any cooperation.

Nonetheless, do what you can do. If anything, the difficulties indicate how important it is that you go forward.

You can’t change the all-too-arbitrary nature of reality. Yet you can make a positive difference for at least one person, and most likely many more.

You may not receive appreciation or acknowledgement, but that’s okay. You’ll find plenty of reward in the effort and can manage just fine without the praise.

Though it’s probably not trendy or sophisticated, do what you can do. There’s plenty of simple goodness within you that’s eager to come out.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 04-28-2021 04:56 AM

April 28

Stick with the truth

Your situation is the way it is no matter what you tell yourself or others about it. You can choose what to do about it, but you cannot successfully choose to alter the reality of what has already come to pass.

Though the truth may be painful, deceiving yourself or anyone else will inevitably lead to even more pain. Truth, as difficult as it may be, provides the only starting point from which you can actually move forward.

Deception can be very convenient, but only for about thirty seconds. After that the usefulness of deception decays quickly, taking the quality of your life along with it.

Start with the truth and stick with the truth. Whatever its cost, whatever its pain in the short term is compensated many times over by benefit in the long run.

No experience, no situation, no extenuating circumstance makes truth any less essential. No excuse, no clever justification will enable you to escape what is real and what is true.

Truth obliges you to deal with reality. And that’s always a powerful, rewarding thing for you to be doing.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 04-29-2021 03:50 AM

April 29

Embrace today

Today will give you things you need, and many of them you won’t like. Take them anyway and be thankful, because you’re sure to eventually find great use for them.

Today will ask you to put forth some effort, make some sacrifices, and suffer a little unpleasantness. Eagerly do what’s asked of you and tomorrow you’ll thank yourself for the trouble.

If you let it, today will build your skills and increase your strength. Today will drop challenges on top of you, and in those challenges you can find great value.

Today is potential, promise, possibility. Today is tedious, frustrating, confusing.

Today is precisely where you’ll find life, your life. And today is where you can add new levels of richness to life by the way you choose to live it.

Today is not perfect, yet it is filled with everything you have and all you can be. Embrace today and all it encompasses as if it’s the most important thing you can do, because it is.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 04-30-2021 04:34 AM

April 30

Thoughts and instincts

Pay attention to your own thoughts and instincts. They come to you for good reason.

They are the voice of your life’s experience. They remind you of what you have forgotten or never even realized you knew.

No, your thoughts are not all knowing, your instincts are not perfect. But neither are they without meaning and value.

Give your thoughts at least as much consideration as you give to the words and advice of others. When you find yourself telling yourself something, listen with respect and curiosity.

Regularly give yourself sufficient solitude so you can hear yourself think. It’s amazing what will come to the surface when there’s no noise to drown it out.

Every day of your life you’ve been building wisdom within. Be sure to let that wisdom have its say.

— Ralph Marston

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