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Daily Motivator - July
July 1
Choose the next step Just because you’ve been disappointed once, or twice, or a hundred times, is no reason to give up. On the contrary, it is a reason to give more to the effort. Just because you’ve been criticized is no reason to think that the whole world is against you. Actually, it is a valuable opportunity to improve. Life can throw a lot of discouraging things your way. What’s really beautiful, though, is that you don’t have to be discouraged. You have a choice, no matter what has happened, no matter where you’ve been or where you are. You can choose the next step, and you can choose to make it a positive one. You can choose to make the next step the most effective, loving, meaningful thing you’ve ever done. Nothing outside you has the power to stop you from making this your best moment yet. Throw off the disappointment, breeze cheerfully past the naysayers, and exercise your power to choose. The next step is yours to choose, and you can choose to make it great. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#GemyyViWr2ScBCUC.99 |
July 2
Give it a chance How do you transform something you don’t feel like doing into something you are happily doing? Get started, and give it a chance. Once you’re immersed in making the effort, it doesn’t seem that bad. In fact, with just a little additional nudge to your attitude, you can actually be enjoying it. Remind yourself, when there’s something you’ve been putting off, that once you get started it won’t be bad at all. Remind yourself, and then get started. Don’t view focus as something you have to strive to attain. Just get started, and give your focus a chance to take hold. It’s really more enjoyable to make progress than it is to avoid effort. And it’s a whole lot more fulfilling. So next time you find yourself procrastinating, stop and realize what a great opportunity you have. Go ahead, get started, give the effort a chance, and you’ll soon be thanking yourself for doing so. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#MWdGjcxcrduW8JFO.99 |
July 3
Move on You’re going along great, making progress, enjoying the effort, and then an unexpected interruption crashes your efforts to the ground. So, deal with the interruption, then let it go, and move on. You’ve worked long and hard to achieve the results you desire, but the results you end up getting are not what you wanted. Accept the disappointment, learn all you can from it, and move on. Out of the blue, something new and wonderful suddenly comes into your life. So enjoy the moment fully, and then move on. Whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant, expected or unexpected, fulfilling or disappointing, life brings new substance every day. Live it fully, making the most of what comes, and then get moving along. Don’t keep fighting against the bad stuff that’s already occurred, or continue clinging to the good stuff that’s already over. Let what has happened be what has happened, and move on. Whether it’s been wonderful or disappointing or a mixture of both, be thankful for whatever you’ve just experienced. Feel your renewed inspiration, activate your new strength, and move positively on. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#8MowAtU8j8gRkqVg.99 |
July 4
Celebrate your freedom Celebrate your freedom to choose by choosing wisely. Celebrate your freedom to act by acting on your highest values and best intentions. Celebrate your freedom to speak your mind by speaking the truth, with compassion, understanding and genuine love. Celebrate the freedom to follow your dreams by following those dreams that are worthy of the unique, valuable person you are. Celebrate and live your freedom, and realize that with freedom comes a serious obligation. Because you are free to choose the direction of your life, you are also responsible for all that happens as a result. Freedom is a powerful and wonderful thing, and makes the best possibilities possible. Freedom’s power comes from the willingness to accept responsibility, and without that responsibility there is no freedom. Celebrate your freedom, and give to life all the great things that come from living in freedom. Celebrate your freedom by appreciating how precious it is and by perpetuating it with your responsible choices. In freedom there are endless promises. Celebrate your freedom by making it your business to fulfill its greatest promises in your own special way. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#muy44TmWXEICqsEO.99 |
July 5
Let the thoughts flow When you try too hard to be creative, all you get is trying and not much creating. Let go of the trying, let go of the striving, and let the creative thoughts flow. You are filled with spectacular thoughts and ideas for making life more beautiful and fulfilling. The problem is, most of those ideas never reach the surface because you’re trying so hard to think of other things. So just ease off the trying and enjoy watching and listening as your thoughts naturally come into your awareness. Instead of getting all uptight with the goal of a particular thought in mind, just pay attention to what your authentic self is telling you. Before long, if you simply let your thoughts flow, something very useful and appropriate will come along. It will have the added benefit of being elegant and original. There is so much value in your authentic thoughts that you don’t ever have to settle for contrived thoughts. Be grateful and joyful about who you are, and you will easily come to understand what you seek to know. You have an immensely deep and largely untapped reservoir of brilliant creativity within you. Let your thoughts freely flow, and let that creativity come forth. — Ralph Marston |
July 6
Beyond satisfaction It’s great to be satisfied with what you’ve done. Be careful that your satisfaction doesn’t turn into complacency. Satisfaction with what you’ve done builds confidence in what you can do. Yet that confidence will do you no good unless it is put to use. See your satisfaction as a challenge and an opportunity rather than as a refuge. When you’re satisfied with what you’ve done, let it inspire you to do even more. When you’ve created a valuable result, you’ve also established some powerful momentum. What a shame it would be to waste that momentum. Seize the opportunity to exceed yourself, to build on what you’ve already accomplished. Extend the great feeling of satisfaction by going above and beyond the effort that originally brought that satisfaction. Enjoy your satisfaction after a job well done. Then quickly challenge yourself to create a whole lot more. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#dvZT34GTch1S4F4x.99 |
July 7
Need keeps you stuck As long as you need something, you will not have it. The energy of your need pushes away the reality of whatever you seek. Instead of focusing on what you need, focus on what you have. Because somewhere in whatever you have is the pathway to whatever you desire. That’s why gratitude is so empowering. Gratitude shines a bright light on your resources and possibilities, and enables you to make good use of them. Focus on what you have, and on what you can do. No matter what you seek, no matter how far away it may seem, there is something you can do right now to move yourself closer. Need keeps you stuck. Gratitude, and the willingness to do whatever you can, gets you moving on the path to fulfillment. Let go of need, and feel the possibilities that are already with you. Step forward, move decisively away from need, and toward the reality of whatever you choose to create. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#AxcaEzrwX8OsfmVx.99 |
July 8
Do it Don’t just say it. Do it. Don’t just think about it or plan for it, wish or hope or imagine. Make the effort, do the work, solve the problems, meet the challenges, and get it done. Thinking, strategizing and having aspirations are all important and necessary, but not enough. You have to get yourself going, get your hands dirty, sort through the complexity and make it happen. You might fool yourself into thinking that good intentions are enough, but you won’t fool anyone else. It takes effort to transform those good intentions into real value. You’re fully capable of that effort, and exercising that capability will bring you great satisfaction. So do it. Dream great dreams, set high goals, then do yourself and the whole world a favor and take action. The time is now, life is yours, and you can do it. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#HmTVzqD4JRAvXcXo.99 |
July 9
Earning it Is there something you want in life, and yet you never put forth any effort to make it happen? You probably don’t really want it. If you borrow someone else’s goal, and fail to reach that goal, you haven’t really failed. You’ve given yourself the opportunity to re-evaluate your choices and your direction. When you don’t really have the desire to do the work, then you don’t really have the desire to reach the goal. Because the value of the reward is created by you, in the process of earning it. What things can you get excited about working toward? Those are the things that will bring true fulfillment to your life. What do you consider to be worth your time, effort, and resources? What would you willingly make sacrifices and endure difficulties to create? How do you know what’s really, truly important to you? It is whatever you are willing to earn. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#d7jsaZz8zy1QFKZd.99 |
July 10
Good to be honest It feels good to be honest, even when that honesty is difficult. It feels powerful to be on the side of truth, even when there is pain in the truth. Admitting who you are, refreshes your spirit. Stop struggling to hide your desires, insecurities, ambitions, fears, likes and dislikes, and feel how good it feels to be genuine. Let yourself be yourself. You’ll find it is much easier than pretending to be someone or something you are not, and a whole lot more fulfilling. Admit what you love, and then put your energy into doing something about it. You were born to be you, and your greatest success will come from doing what you were born to do. There is greatness within you that can only be reached by being honest about who you are. Let go of the pretenses, and let that greatness shine through. You have a unique and valuable perspective to offer the world. Be honest, without compromise, about what matters to you, and bring your own special treasure to life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#rljsVPgRbrZdhlSU.99 |
July 11
Let happiness light the way Happiness is a choice, not an achievement. Nothing will make you happy until you decide to be happy. Happiness is not found in a particular set of conditions. Happiness is a powerful and positive way to deal with the conditions, whatever they may be. How can you be happy when the world seems to be crashing down around you? Even though you may not be happy about what’s going on, you can be happy for the opportunity to make a difference. If you wait until some specific thing happens before being happy, you’ll have a long, unhappy wait. Choose instead to live your happiness no matter what, and your happiness will light the way to those good things you desire. Being happy is not naive. When you put no conditions on your happiness, and simply let it flow, it is empowering, and life-changing. Forget about how easy or hard it might seem, and find it within yourself to be happy. Let your happiness push you forward into a life you can be very happy about. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#e60u4ikkxmyqAQ6i.99 |
July 12
Now is what you have The best of life is not out of your reach. It is here in this moment. It is outstanding to dream, to plan, to work toward a meaningful goal and to achieve great and valuable things. But you don’t have to wait for later to get the most out of life. Everything you need to enjoy the richness of life is here now, today, where you are. With what you have, with what you know, with what you feel and with what’s available to you, you can experience life at its best. The key for doing so is to live with purpose, with authentic passion, with enthusiasm and genuine gratitude. In whatever situation you may find yourself, with whatever else you may have, you have the privilege of experiencing life from your own unique perspective. Let go of the illusion that something else, something out there, something apart from you will make you happy. Let happiness and real, true joy flow from whatever you’re doing, wherever you are. This day is too precious to waste it waiting or hoping for things to be different. Now is what you have, and it has beautiful possibilities, so delight in it fully while it is here. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140712....OE62EZPHHjp.99 |
July 13
Rise above the pettiness Your time, energy, awareness and attention are precious and powerful. Spend them on the things that matter. Don’t let yourself get all riled up about life’s minor inconveniences and interruptions. Quickly let them go and free yourself to focus on what’s really important. Was someone rude or inconsiderate to you? Let it be that other person’s problem, and forget about it. Did something not work out the way you wanted? Instead of building it up into a major life tragedy, accept the disappointment and get it quickly behind you. Spend your time, thoughts and actions where they matter. Spend them on those things in your life that matter. Step back and observe yourself as you let go of the trivial stuff and become a master of the important things. Enjoy yourself as you rise above the pettiness and bring your own special greatness to life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#2qPBhRXp0X40lPhV.99 |
July 14
Succeed in any situation Ideal conditions for doing your work are, well, ideal. But they are not absolutely necessary. It’s great to have all the tools and resources close at hand, and to have a supportive environment in which to use them. While such a scenario is quite desirable, it is not always possible. Just because conditions are less than perfect does not mean you have to be less than your best. Just because conditions are not ideal, is not an excuse to put off your work until another time. In fact, there can be hidden value in those challenging, less-than-ideal conditions. You might actually find a way to do the job even better than if things had been perfect. So if you catch yourself making excuses, quickly remind yourself of how capable and adaptable you are. Instead of seeing the situation as a reason to procrastinate, see it as a challenge to grow stronger and more resilient. Give new power and effectiveness to your work by resolving to do it no matter what. Give yourself the ability to succeed in any situation. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#RfVpEP0w1ukq2EBz.99 |
July 15
Feel the feelings Do more than just longing for the good feelings you’ve known in the past or the ones you hope to feel in the future. Feel those feelings now, where you are. Allow yourself to love the life you have and the moment you’re in. Let yourself enjoy the beauty in every detail. Put away any temptation you have to make judgments, or to worry, or to fear. Feel the joy in your good fortune of living life as it is and being able to make a difference. Instead of just wishing you could feel a certain way, remind yourself that the feeling you seek is yours to choose right now. Instead of depending on circumstances for your feelings, turn it around and let your circumstances flow from your good feelings. You have power over the way you see life and feel about it. That power makes amazing things possible, for when you are sufficiently motivated you can make amazing things happen. Go ahead and feel the best you’ve ever felt. Then feel the power, and use it to create new goodness that expresses those good feelings. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#aw86PGgIHJpA9HQ0.99 |
July 16
Today is a day to live fully Start the day with gratitude for all the goodness you’ve known. Then transform the energy of that gratitude into excitement about what you can now do. There is a great big opportunity in front of you right now. The future has not yet been determined, and you can play a role in how it unfolds. Live the rest of this day in such a way that you’ll have no regrets when it comes to an end. Let the possibilities and your positive vision of life energize you to make the most of today’s opportunities. Choose to raise your awareness to a level where you won’t be distracted or deterred by the meaningless, superficial noise you encounter. Commit to the goal of making progress today, and enjoy the experience of pushing yourself forward no matter what obstacles fall in your path. Today is a day to be determined, ambitious, intentional, and to demonstrate your love for life with all the good things you do for it. Today is a day to let your every thought and action be guided by your highest vision. Today is a day to pleasantly surprise yourself with how focused and effective you can be. Today is a day to live fully, so take the opportunity and run with it. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#sLSWSfVHJcisWGhf.99 |
July 17
Challenging environment If your efforts are not bringing results, don’t make yourself into a victim, complaining about how unfair life is. Change your efforts, making them more focused and effective. If something is not working for you, don’t make a lot of excuses or look for someone to blame. Instead, look for how you can change your strategy. Yes, conditions have changed and they will continue to change even faster than before. Rather than seeing that as an excuse, see it as an opportunity. Doing something new is not a sure thing, but if you refuse to change, it is a sure thing that you’ll get yourself stuck in the past. If whatever has worked in the past no longer works, that can be disturbing and uncomfortable. Can you find a way to see discomfort as your friend, to push on through, and to transform a disappointing change into a positive opportunity? Life is not fair, and the world does not stand still, waiting for you to catch up. Yet even in such a challenging environment, you have what it takes to experience a rich and fulfilling life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#vfshTPk0Ti7QxS7U.99 |
July 18
Making up for lost time If you’ve wasted the whole day, or many days, or years, that’s unfortunate. But it is behind you and it doesn’t stop you from making the most of right now. If you’re disappointed for any reason in what has happened up to this moment, choose to transform the energy of that disappointment into inspiration. Use the positive inspiration to immediately start making up for lost time. While you’re at it, add some gratitude for the chance you now have. See how enthusiastic you can be about the opportunity to make a difference. You don’t have to re-write history, yet you can now relate to it any way you choose. Choose to let all that has happened, whatever it may be, teach you and encourage you to live this moment in a meaningful and productive way. You’ve made your way to right now, and you’ve earned the chance to live it fully. With your actions, your priorities, your words, attitude and thoughts, give yourself what you’ve earned. This is the time that counts, and this is your moment to use. Much has happened to bring you here, and now you can make it all for the best. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#tFKja18xbcVOwFwg.99 |
July 19
Something today There is something you can do today that will move your life in a positive direction. Though you may not fully reach your goal today, you absolutely can reach toward it. Achievement requires time, and with each dawning day you have a new supply of time. Put that time to good, meaningful effective use, and the achievements will come. Today can be a waste of time or it can be a valuable use of your time. The choice is up to you in every moment. Imagine how it will feel at the end of this day when you know you’ve made some good, solid progress. Imagine it, and then don’t hesitate to get going and to make it real. This day has great possibilities and massive potential value. Claim that value by diligently working to bring those possibilities to life. Today has arrived, and there are a whole lot of useful things you can do with it. Go ahead, right now, and enjoy making the satisfying progress you know you can make on this day. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140719....o0LJ4aLc98I.99 |
July 20
Sincerely effective The more sincere your efforts are, the more effective they will be. Ultimate effectiveness comes from the highest degree of sincerity. When you’re acting from your essence, you’re acting at your highest level of strength. Let the real you come forth in whatever you do, and it can be almost magical. You have great value that’s yours and yours alone, but if you keep that value hidden away, it is of no use to anyone. Put the value of the inner you into your outer life and actions, and everyone will benefit. Allow sincerity to infect your thoughts and actions with its positive power. Use your time and energy to contribute to life rather than concealing yourself from life. Go with the most sincere choice and say the most sincere thing. Be open and honest, allowing your uniqueness to shine through. Be sincere. And get more results, more influence, more life and richness from your time and effort. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#IY2IXKzR3X50y12Z.99 |
July 21
Active and creative Creativity is powered by activity. If you’re not feeling creative, idleness will not help the situation. When you can’t think of what you want to do, say, write, paint, build or compose, then do something else. Anything that gets you up and going will refresh your supply of ideas and insights. Put the whole of yourself into life. That’s how you’ll discover ways to get the most from it. If you can be of real service to others, that’s even better. Stimulate your creative power with the experience of making a difference. Passion, innovation and creativity go hand in hand with action. There is action you can take right now to get the juices flowing. Get active and you’ll get creative. Participate in this moment and you’ll unleash a whole new stream of creative energy. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#ik2KShQ4tBAIRD9d.99 |
July 22
The difficult stuff Don’t be afraid of the difficult stuff. Get enthusiastic about it. Don’t avoid the hard, complicated tasks. Run out and greet them with open arms. Imagine how great it will be to have those things done, and to have the value they will create. Imagine, then jump in and enjoy bringing that value to life. While everybody else is complaining about and avoiding and resenting what they must do, leap out ahead and distinguish yourself. Embrace the challenges and activate your resourcefulness to transform those challenges into achievement. Great opportunities are everywhere in this world. Let yourself know the joy and satisfaction of making those great opportunities into shining new realities. Go ahead and put forth some challenging effort in the service of a meaningful purpose. And see how quickly it energizes your life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#b1wzS0Jo2ZYiBwoG.99 |
July 23
Different in a good way Would you like to get a leg up on life? Then be reliable in an unreliable world. Be truthful in a world in which dishonesty is all too easy and all too common. Be authentic in a world that is weary of people pretending to be something they’re not. Be persistent and consistent. Be compassionate, friendly, helpful, and full of pleasant surprises. In situations where tempers are flaring, be patient. Amid the noise and confusion and distractions, stay focused. Though you may look foolish, you can be optimistic and then act on those optimistic expectations. Even when it may seem that no one cares, you can be positively purposeful. Be different in a good way, and the world will take note. Live true to your highest values, and spread richness throughout life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#1j3OmI2zymq44IRz.99 |
July 24
Proven path An action that doesn’t get very good results is still better than no action at all. Being mediocre at doing something is better than being highly skilled at doing nothing. Your initial effort at solving the problem or reaching the achievement may not work. But that’s no reason to avoid the effort. Even if you fail, and fail again, you can still reach the success you seek. However, if you let the fear of failure prevent you from taking action, you will never achieve that success. Do your best. If that’s not good enough, get better. The way to get better is by doing. Whether the results are what you intended or not, every action makes you stronger, more capable, more experienced and more effective. Develop your best strategy, take action, learn from it, and do it again. That is the proven path to wherever you wish to go. — Ralph Marston |
July 25
Five reasons Give yourself five reasons why this will be the best day yet. You are skilled and experienced at engaging your imagination, so put it to use in a positive way. How many times have you considered doing something, and then thought of all the reasons why you cannot? Today, use that same power to think of reasons why you can, and why you will. It is just as easy to be positive and ambitious as it is to be negative and disillusioned. The difference is in the choice you make. Direct the power of your thinking and the power of your life where they will do you some real good. Create an inspiring scenario in your thoughts, then step forward and live the reality of those thoughts. Choose an attitude and a set of expectations that will support your life and your highest dreams. The fulfillment of those dreams is not only possible, it is yours to start living right now. Get in the habit of listing all the reasons why you can, why you will, and why you must. Then get busy, for where your thoughts lead, your life will surely follow. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#OU305FsP3lEp304e.99 |
July 26
Forgive yourself Punishing yourself for your mistakes won’t erase them or move you forward. Being angry and disappointed at yourself for a missed opportunity or a wasted day won’t achieve anything positive. Instead, forgive yourself, and free yourself from your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn from those mistakes, and turn your attention to what you can do now. Choose to be more determined, more committed, and more focused rather than being angry. Transform the energy of disappointment and regret into useful action and achievement. Whatever may have happened or failed to happen in the past, you have this moment right now. And you can make productive, meaningful use of it, beginning right now. You don’t have to let a disappointing experience turn into negative momentum. You have the power to instantly put yourself on a positive path, so make the choice to exercise that power. Look ahead, imagine the best, and get yourself busy moving forward. Leave the regrets about the past in the past, and find renewed energy right now in building a great future. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140726....IZhIKrwiFLp.99 |
July 27
Inspired Be inspired. And be an inspiration. Let life inspire you in every little detail. Then pass that inspiration along, injecting your own flavor into it. You don’t need a big, impressive event to be inspired. You don’t need a grand vista or an ornate cathedral. You just have to step back and consider how vastly rich life is, in this moment. Simply be thankful for whatever is in front of you, and a little bit curious, and slightly adventurous. Draw inspiration from seeing the brilliance, listening to the harmonies, feeling the textures and sensing the aromas of the world in this moment. Then push that inspiration back into the world with your own words and actions. Wherever you are, take inspiration, and in whatever you do, give it back. Enjoy your part in a never-ending, inspiring cycle that continues to lift up all of life. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#6GEpeOfv1jFuKb2c.99 |
July 28
Good place for everyone There are a lot of other people in this world. You’ll do much better in life when you are good to those people. There is one of you, and billions of everyone else. The more of those billions who have a positive experience with you, the better. Being considerate to others is old fashioned. That means it has stood the test of time. Before you act, before you speak, think of the impact it will have on everyone else. Then make the choice that makes the world where you live a better one. Take care not to sacrifice the goodwill of others just to grab yourself a momentary advantage or convenience. Live with respect and consideration, even when it is not noticed. The behavior of each person directly influences the kind of world we all live in. Make it a good place for everyone to be. — Ralph Marston |
July 29
Work past the disappointments Don’t dwell endlessly on what’s wrong. Do something positive, and change your momentum. When things are tough and life is unfair, the least effective strategy is to complain about it. The most effective strategy is to get busy. You’re better than the problems. The way to prove that to yourself and to the world is with your actions. You deserve to feel like you’re on top of the world, so give yourself what you deserve. Embrace the effort, persist through the challenges, and experience the satisfaction of making a real difference. Treat every situation as an opportunity for positive and meaningful work. Seize the treasure in every moment by doing something useful with the moment. Delight your senses and your sense of purpose by jumping into action. Work your way past the disappointments, and up to a whole new level of fulfillment. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#xqAb4ZyivjHhp8fu.99 |
July 30
Desirable place to go You can do more than you think you can do, if you will start thinking you can. You can reach higher than you’ve chosen to reach, if you will choose to do so. There are obstacles you must move past, and some of those obstacles are in your own expectations. Raising your expectations won’t magically make things happen, but it will stimulate you to make more things happen. If you expect you can’t, you won’t. If you expect you can, you give birth to the possibility. There’s no way around the fact that achievement requires focused effort. Your expectations put you in the frame of mind to make that effort. Expectations also open your eyes to opportunities you never would have otherwise seen. And expectations set your imagination to work. Positive expectations give you a desirable place to go. Then, you can put forth the effort to follow where they lead. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#FWAikh0jAq5RqOvE.99 |
July 31
Just let yourself Instead of fighting against the work, just let yourself do it. Rather than worrying about the outcome, just let yourself make it happen. What is the best technique for doing this or doing that, for ending procrastination, for staying focused, for seeing the world in a positive light? Stop obsessing over the best technique, and just let yourself. There is power in you that you cannot explain, yet you can always use it. Just let yourself. Create the intention, and hold it firmly within your awareness. Persist in just letting yourself do what that intention tells you to do. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve if you’ll just let yourself. Open your mind, open your heart, take a deep breath, step forward, and just let yourself. Making progress is hard work, but not mysterious or complicated. Just let yourself. — Ralph Marston Read more at http://greatday.com/#rxUZAcehDJ4ClheB.99 |
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