Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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Kadie 01-13-2017 07:36 PM

Hello! My name is Kadie with a D, and I am an alcoholic.

I am 37 years old, and have been drinking daily for 20 years. I said it was college, then 15 years of bartending, and now I have no excuse. My life had become COMPLETELY unmanageable, and I went to 7 days of detox, followed by 30 days of treatment this past October. I relapsed right before Christmas, sobered up for the holiday, then relapsed before the New Year.

I have been sober since January 1st. I began goiung to AA meetings daily on the 3rd. I am trying to emerse myself entirely in my sobriety. I found a group that I KNOW will be my home group. I am currently looking for a sponsor. I love to read and write about sobriety, and this amazing new path I have chosen.

Thank you,

yukonm 01-14-2017 07:21 AM

Hi Kadie

Welcome to our community!! We are like family here. Please browse the forums and if you'd like, start a thread in our Daily Check in forum where members check in daily.

So happy that you have decided to embrace a sober way of is so worth it!!

Again, Welcome :42:

MajestyJo 01-14-2017 10:34 PM

Welcome Kadie, so glad you found us. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us. We can do what I can't do alone. I know I tried to quit for 8 yeas and my way didn't work. I could stop, but couldn't stay stopped, until I found AA. It work when we work for it.

bluidkiti 01-15-2017 07:03 AM

Hi Kadie, So glad to have you join us here. Congratulations on your sober time! Please make yourself at home here and let us know if you need help with anything. I look forward to hearing more from you. Please keep coming and sharing with us. We are here for you. Have a great Sunday! :42:

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