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pbsandms 10-05-2013 02:44 AM

difficulty and joy
When I finally surrendered, I was grateful for guidance. My sponsor took my hand and walked with me from despair to hope. I was asked to drop to my knees when I woke and again before sleep and give thanks for the good and the bad and each new day that I remained sober.

Each time God placed me in situations and with people that I found difficult I would drop to my knees and thank God. Oh yes, I would go into the restroom and on my knees say thank you God. This practice gave me pause before acting on my feelings, getting my thoughts out of my head while learning to rely upon a higher power.

It was out of this daily gratitude that I fully connected with God accepting his will in my life as well as his strength to carry me.

I am grateful to God for life's difficulties and joy. I am grateful for AA, sponsorship, fellowship, and this practice of daily surrender.

BW1 11-29-2013 02:27 PM

How wonderful pb!!

I too am grateful today to be grateful for the ups and know that after the dark nights of the soul the dawn brings a new day...after crossing thru the valley there is a hill or mountain with new vistas and new horizons

MajestyJo 11-29-2013 07:09 PM

Thank you for sharing. I was told that if I didn`t get downs, I wouldn`t appreciate the ups and recognize the goodness when it came my way.

Welcome to the site, hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

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