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MajestyJo 12-30-2018 11:37 PM


Craving are normal in early meetings, although we don't always crave until we have that first sip. Most of it is obsession and for me it was about acknowledging them and letting them go.

Prayer helps. I asked that they be removed. I asked for the patience to work through them. I picked up the phone and called a member before I had a sponsor. This is one of the reasons it is good to get a sponsor.

Go to meetings, read literature if you have it. Surf this site and checkout the posts and even if they don't seem to work, it will take your mind off of the cravings.

God answers knee-mail. God is Good. Good is God, so I try to change a negative into a positive. "I am craving a drink, but just for today, I choose not to pick up, please help me!"

Good Orderly Direction from a Groups of Drunks (Drug Addicts)

Keep coming, this too shall pass. Like all feelings, whether good or bad, they do pass, especially if we don't stop and think and feed them.

Wrote in 2007 by me on another site
Since then, I heard a Joe and Charlie AA tape that said we can't crave something until we ingest that first drink (drug), we can obsess about it, but we can't crave it. When we are new in recovery, it isn't very long ago that we tasted and haven't forgotten what it tastes like.

That is why we do this program one day at a time. Just for today, I will not use people, places, or things to take me out of where I am at, I will not pick up no matter what. I need to stay centered in the moment and connect with my Higher Power. That is why they say we need a strong spiritual defense against that first drink/drug.

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