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MajestyJo 02-04-2019 01:56 AM

B is for ...
B is for Believe. I believe in my God. I believe in 12 Step programs. They worked for me, they will work for you. I believe in you. We can do what I can't do alone.

MajestyJo 02-06-2019 05:58 PM

B is for Blessings. They are countless, don't leave until the miracle happens. We need to give thanks for them as they come, big or small.

MajestyJo 02-10-2019 07:49 PM

B is for Beware. We are only granted a daily reprieve and that is why we work this program one day at a time. Be aware that we are only and arm's length away from that first drink and/or drug. Be aware that we are as sick as our secrets, so we need to bring things out of the darkness into the light in order to recover.

Beware of your disease, it never goes away. It is just wait for you to slip mentally, emotionally, spiritually and/or physically.

MajestyJo 02-12-2019 03:38 PM

B is for Blink. In a blink of an eye, things will change. Bring the body and the mind will follow.

Before you know it that one day will be 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and more. For so many years I used to make time go away, in recovery, there are not enough hours in a day. I blink and they are gone, soI yty yo make the most of it.

MajestyJo 02-15-2019 10:20 PM

B is for Bountiful. The blessing are bountiful. They just keep on coming, as long as we work our programs. Be aware that you need to find your own program and what works for you. You can take a little bit from this person and that person, the possibilities are endless. Just keep going to meetings.

MajestyJo 02-17-2019 02:27 PM

B is for Best. Be the best you that you can be in today. Sometimes we fall short of our own expectations, and we need to remember that all we are asked to do is try.

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