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bluidkiti 07-23-2020 07:08 AM

Ignore Distractions
Ignore Distractions

And when they raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. —Matthew 17:8

Our own flaws can distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. If we think too much about what is wrong with us, we will forget what God can do through us. If we look too much at what we lack, we will forget to be thankful for what we have.

The Bible says to look away from all that will distract us from focusing on Jesus. (See Hebrews 12:2). If your faith begins to waver, quickly get your eyes on Jesus, who is the Source of your faith and the Incentive for your belief. Remember how He endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame of it, for the joy of winning you to Himself. He promises to bring your faith to maturity and perfection.

From the book Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer.

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