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StephanieDolzall 01-17-2021 12:24 PM

Sobriety Cafe~
My Gratitude list for today~ Jan 17th, 2021...
  • Woke up this morning... didn't come to...
  • Knew where the car was, didn't have to hunt for it or see if it was wrecked.
  • Didn't have to check to see how I was dressed or not when I woke up...
  • Didn't have to see who I was next to and wonder where I was when I woke up today...
  • Didn't hurt my children's feelings yesterday...
  • Didn't lie, cheat or steal yesterday...
  • Didn't create a ordeal to have an excuse to do what I wanted to do... didn't need an excuse to be a decent human being... always needed an excuse to be a drunk and high tornado in everyone's lives...
  • I have an awesome HP
  • I am forgiven
  • I am clean and sober... Happily... <3
  • I can be of service to others these days... drunk and high I couldn't even help my own self and didn't care..
  • I am grateful for the snow outside. I am also grateful I am INSIDE....
  • I am grateful for the program... for the 12 steps... for prayer and meditation... for amends... for introspection and for honesty.
  • I am grateful I don't hate me or my life today... I am grateful I am not looking for a way to check out... I am grateful I love life today.

StephanieDolzall 01-18-2021 11:01 PM

Sobriety Cafe~ Gratitude
My Gratitude List for Today... Jan 18, 2021

1) Today is the day the love of my life passed away 4 years ago. I am grateful for the time we had together and the children we had together.

2) I am grateful for all the technological advances this world has made that help us stay in communication, especially during covid restrictions.

3) I am grateful for online meetings.

4) I always felt like I was missing the manual to life, until I found the rooms and the program. I am grateful for both.

5) I am grateful that I have learned to think things through all the way to the end. All that glitters is not gold.

6) I am very grateful that people in the program warned me that that persistent voice would come and tell me I could successfully drink or drug and handle it better or control it (THIS TIME)... it would be the voice of my addiction trying to lure me back in to what I knew so well.

7) I am grateful for being able to clear off the wreckage of the past and then begin to see gemstones here and there that I had discarded or ignored before.

8) I am grateful for another day clean and sober, to learn, to live and to grow.

9) I am grateful for my puppy that loves to play.

10) I am grateful that I can use the spiritual tools daily in my life to keep from living the way I used to live.

11) I am grateful that I don't have to play the chameleon in my life today. I can be the same person at home, the store, with my family, with my friends, in a meeting, or anywhere else I go and I don't have to juggle who I'm pretending to be.

12) I am grateful for this website and everyone who shares on it.

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