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bluidkiti 02-21-2021 07:18 AM

The Process of Growing Up
Today’s Scripture: "You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48, AMPC)

The Process of Growing Up

One thing I’ve learned is that just because God puts a dream in our heart doesn’t mean it’s going to come to pass without any opposition. See, God is going to grow us up. He’s going to mature us. He’s going to prepare us to handle the promotion He has in store.

I think about Joseph in the Bible. Starting out, he didn’t have a whole lot of wisdom. He was young and immature, and God had to do a work in his life. Joseph probably shouldn’t have told his brothers about his dream that they would one day serve him! As you can imagine, his brothers were not nearly as excited about that as he was. Long story short, Joseph had to go through some things to grow up and be ready for the promotion God had in store.

Friend, it’s the same way with us today. You may have a dream in your heart that seems a million miles away, but just like Joseph, God can take you from the prison to the palace in one step. During the growing process, keep yourself focused on Him and allow Him to do His work in your life. Keep a humble attitude of faith before Him, and He will lead you and guide you into the destiny He has prepared for you!

A Prayer for Today: "Father, thank You for working Your process in my life. I focus on You during the growing season. I humbly submit myself to You knowing that You have a good plan in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen."

Joel Osteen

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