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bluidkiti 04-03-2021 05:18 AM

Going It Alone

After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. Later that night, He was there alone. Matthew 14:23 (NIV)

This is one passage where I can really relate to Jesus. From time to time I go to the mountains alone. It may be for an afternoon quail hunt, perhaps to try to call in a coyote, or sometimes to get away for a couple of days to clear my head and recharge my batteries--physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

On those trips, I usually sleep a lot, hike some, and spend lots of time sitting and looking at a special part of God's creation, a part that He made just for me, for that moment.

There's always a couple of books handy. There's always a copy of God's word, the Bible.

These trips are great times to read His word, pray, and listen. Especially listen!!! It's amazing what God will say in a little time, if you give Him a chance and your full attention.

Get away alone daily, even if it's just to shut the door to your office or sit in your car alone for a few minutes. Read a few Bible verses and share your thoughts with God through prayer.

God wants to hear from you, and He wants to speak to you.


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