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bluidkiti 09-18-2022 06:23 AM

Let God be the source of your comfort
Let God be the source of your comfort

Let God be the source of your comfort in the time of stress and your helper in the time of need.

For He is able to keep you from all harm and bring forth water from a rock in the midst of a dry desert.

He is with you always and He will never forsake you nor leave you.

If He seems to have left you and deserted you, it is time for you to admit you have left Him and abandoned Him as your God.

Like the prodigal son who finally came to his senses and arose and went back to his father's house, so must each of us return to our Father in Heaven when we realize we have abandoned Him for earthly gain.

He will welcome us home with opened arms and love overflowing.


Jim Welch

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