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Topic of the week, words that begin with XYZ
http://www.animated-gifs.eu/alphabet-hearts/0024.gif is for http://www.animated-gifs.eu/alphabet-hearts/0024.gif-Ray. Use a mirror as an http://www.animated-gifs.eu/alphabet-hearts/0024.gif-Ray to look within yourself. Do you like what you see? Is there something that needs to be changed. Does the outside match the inside? What do others see when they look at you? Do they see a recovering alcoholic and addict who has connected to their Higher Power? What does your reflection say to you?
Are you an `http://www.animated-gifs.eu/alphabet-hearts/0024.gifample for others? You may be the only Big Book someone may see. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-...eries/0016.gif |
Y is for Yes. It is okay to say yes, if you mean it and want to say yes. Say yes to life and no to addiction.
Y also means yellow, which stands for caution. Be cautious when you say yes, pray and ask your God, for that inner knowing and His Will for you. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-pandas/0034.gif |
Y is for Your. This is a blame game word. When you start taking someone else's inventory, you are looking at them instead of yourself. You walked your path, I walked mine. Yours and mine hopefully both ended up in recovery, but there are some of your patterns and behaviours, I have don't yet. Some of mine, you might not have done, yet this disease is cunning, baffling and power. We need to identify not compare.
http://www.animated-gifs.eu/water-frogs-series/0019.gif |
Z is for Zero. When my score card read Zero, I was willing to enter the doors of recovery. Relapse was no longer an option, it was do you want to live or die. I chose life, through the 12 Steps of Recovery, to fill my score card up.
http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-rabbits/0203.gif |
Z is for Zealous. I need to be zealous in my recovery, ever looking at each new day as a new experience. First Things First, means my sobriety must become all else. Without me, I can't be there for others.
http://www.animated-gifs.eu/avatars-...weety/0007.gif |
X is for Xenophobia. A fear, hatred, dislike of aliens and strangers. Perhaps that is why I didn't like myself, because I always felt like I didn't fit in.
http://www.hellasmultimedia.com/webi...ges/dogrun.gif |
Y is for Yoke. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30
Our past can be a heavy yoke, a real burden to carry around. Why not give it to the God of your understanding, and allow Him to bear it for you. http://angelwinks.net/images/animated/animated244.gif |
Z is for Zig and Zag. For me that means I am balanced, centered, and walking with my God, and all is good in my world. A better word may be yin and yang.
http://angelwinks.net/images/animated/animated39.gif |
X is for X-Ray. Do you fear what you will find when you look within. Remember everything is subject to change. Looking at who we are may surprise us. We find things that we didn't know was there or was long forgotten, or dropped along the way on our road to recovery.
http://angelwinks.net/images/animated/animated172.gif |
Y is for Yield. Do not yield to temptation, but yield to the program of recovery and your God's will for you.
We have traffic signs that say, "Yield the right of way." Let your God, show you the way to a new way of life. http://www.angelwinks.net/images/angel72.jpg |
Z is for Zion. Build my house upon a rock. My God is the Rock of Ages.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktgHNJ4RmIY |
Z is for Zombie. That is how I felt the first few weeks in recovery. I was told to bring the body, and the mind would follow. It takes a while to detox, so it took a while for the mind to catch up and the emotions to calm down, before I got some zip in my step.
http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-giraffes/0036.gif |
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