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bluidkiti 06-01-2024 05:33 AM

Daily Motivator - June
June 1

Truth remains true

The truth is simple. Though it is often not easy, or nice, or comfortable.

If someone has to spend thirty minutes explaining himself, he’s not being truthful. Certainly life encompasses many legitimate complexities, yet in those complexities there’s ample space to embed falsehood.

Truth is largely self evident. If something doesn’t seem right, it isn’t.

Truth remains true. One can evade it for a while, perhaps a very long time, but not forever.

To the degree you seek and respect truth, you’re able to understand and deal successfully with reality. That requires work, humility, and escaping the grip of ego, but it’s well worth all that.

See truth, speak truth, act according to your honest understanding of what is true. And discover endless opportunities for authentic living in the potent realm of reality.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-01-2024 05:34 AM

June 2

Stretch yourself

You’ll thank yourself if you regularly stretch yourself. You’ll appreciate the new strength you develop by willingly taking on challenges.

It’s temptingly comfortable to stay where you are and continue doing what you’re used to doing. Don’t let that comfort become a prison.

The world at your feet stretches far beyond the horizon. Venture away from what you already know, and discover how much more you can be.

It’s good to have the confidence that comes from knowing what to expect. What’s even better is to expand that confidence by encountering situations you don’t expect.

Experience how far your capabilities can take you. Gain new understanding of the world, the people, the ideas, customs and circumstances around you.

Give yourself a healthy dose of fresh energy and inspiration. Seek today to stretch yourself, and feel more of the curiosity and competence that have always been yours.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-01-2024 09:04 PM

Happy New Month Tammy
Thanking God for getting us though
the month Of May joyous, happy and free.
God bless you on this first day of June.

bluidkiti 06-02-2024 06:10 AM

You too willbe.

bluidkiti 06-03-2024 06:02 AM

June 3

Act on faith

Do you want to be motivated to take action? Then take action.

It’s a mistake to think that motivation alone initiates action. You initiate the action, and then motivation comes forth to continue it.

So once you start actually doing what you intend to do, then you’ll be motivated. Thoughts and words from yourself and others can prompt you to act, yet true, sustained motivation arises only after you begin.

If you’re waiting for sufficient motivation, wait no longer. Get going and create that motivation.

Every initial step forward is an act of faith. But once you’re in motion, you quickly develop momentum and motivation to sustain that motion.

Go ahead, feel that faith in your own ability and in the rightness of your intention. Then act on your faith, and all sorts of good and powerful things begin to happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-04-2024 05:51 AM

June 4

Go your own way

The best way to win an argument is not to get into it. Refuse to take the bait.

Occasionally it’s absolutely necessary to defend yourself and your position. But most of the time, you’re merely doing it in an attempt to satisfy your ego, and that gets you nothing.

If a driver tailgates behind you or cuts you off in traffic, escalating that minor incident can only make things worse, never better. Call upon your strength and better judgment, let it be their problem, not yours, and move on.

When someone intentionally insults you, it’s natural to want to return the volley. So keep in mind that the most powerful response is to ignore the insult as if it doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t.

Go your own way, according to your own values and priorities. Don’t let some feckless bully cajole you into going a way not of your choosing.

Do the good you seek to do. If someone has a problem with it, smile and continue to do the good you seek to do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-05-2024 04:58 AM

June 5

Start here

This is not the ideal situation, yet this is the situation you have. Work with it.

Now is not the perfect time, but neither is it the worst time. Make good use of it.

Whatever you seek to do, you have to start somewhere. Start here, start now.

If you can envision in advance every step you’ll need to take, that’s great. If not, go ahead with the first step and set yourself up to figure out the next one.

Rather than producing another excuse, produce an initial result. Experience how right that feels, and let it pull you forward.

With whatever you have and whatever you face, you can make a difference if you’ll just put in the effort. Start here, start now, and keep going.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-06-2024 07:16 AM

June 6

Fulfill the promise

Shake off the burden of superficiality. Escape the enticement of meaningless, contrived drama.

Purge from your awareness all the mass produced, mediocre content. Make plenty of room in your life for real wonder, purpose, challenge, adventure.

Add new layers of depth and discovery to your experience of being alive. Revel in the truth that every day offers opportunities to amaze you.

Consider what a rare and precious thing your existence is. Act with creativity and enthusiasm on the profound gratitude you feel.

You are passing through a unique and valuable moment. Fulfill the promise, well informed by every goodness you’ve ever known.

Treasure the true substance that is all around you. And raise the value of life for all by fully living the life you have.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-07-2024 06:33 AM

June 7

Go to work

Some occurrences you pretty much expect, or even intentionally work to make happen. Others take you completely by surprise.

Yet whether today’s turn of events was intentional or not, there’s something good and useful you can do in response. Rather than smugly celebrating what’s happened or retreating in fear from it, go to work.

What’s happened has happened, reality is what it is. And the situation has changed from what it was just a little while ago.

Possibilities have popped freshly into existence. What you wisely assumed yesterday to be true, may not be the case at all today.

Open your eyes, open your mind, observe, consider. Look at what has changed, what has not, and why.

See the very real potential for value that’s just been exposed to the light of day. Envision specific, beneficial, meaningful progress you can create with it, and go to work.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-08-2024 05:12 AM

June 8

Mix it up

Be serious and have fun. Be uncompromising and practice forgiveness.

Maintain a strong sense of purpose and stay open to new ideas. Be firm about your values and tolerant of others.

The experience of life encompasses a wide range. Don’t let yourself get trapped in a narrow channel.

It’s highly valuable to understand deeply what you don’t agree with. You gain strength and confidence by confronting what you’ve never been familiar with.

Mix it up. Remain dedicated to all you care about while refusing to be all one way all the time.

Inject some variety, contradictions, alternatives, and balance into your days. There’s treasure to be found where you haven’t been looking.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-08-2024 05:12 AM

June 9

Demanding activities

The more an activity demands of you, the more valuable it is to you. Keep that in mind when choosing what to do with your precious and irreplaceable time.

If it doesn’t require the use of your thinking, your efforts, your resources or skills, there’s not much in it for you. Seek out something else that will be a better investment of your time.

You know in advance that each day will quickly pass. So be prepared to give meaningfully to life as every day’s time goes by.

That way, you can retain value from moments long after those moments are gone. Though you cannot stop time from passing, you can certainly prevent your time from being wasted.

What is this hour demanding from you? Whatever is being asked of you right now represents value that can endure far into the future.

Choose what challenges you, what purposefully utilizes the best you have to give. And you’ll soon be on the receiving end of all that industrious giving.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-10-2024 04:26 AM

June 10

Say what

Say what must be said, what adds value to the situation or discussion. But know also when you’ve said enough.

Say what is for you to say, what comes from your experience and knowledge. But stop short of putting words in someone else’s mouth, and let others say for themselves what is theirs to say.

Say what is appropriate for the time and place and circumstance. Leave the other things you have to say for other times.

Say with precision what is accurate. But don’t get so obsessed and verbose with the facts that you fail to communicate the truth.

Say what you’re honestly able to say. And when you don’t know what to say, be honest about that, and say so.

Say what matters, and be quiet about what doesn’t. Speak with truth, with purpose, with respect, and with consideration for all that could happen because of what you say.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-10-2024 01:29 PM

Say what you mean
and mean what you say.
Keep it simple.

bluidkiti 06-11-2024 05:37 AM

June 11

Put gratitude into action

Go beyond just thinking and speaking your gratitude. Act on your gratitude.

It’s great to say you’re thankful. Now do something about it.

Tap into the power of your thankfulness. Let it push you to increase your ambition, your competence, and your courage.

Harness the energy of gratitude to create, improve, support and maintain life’s goodness in a multitude of ways. Serve as a conduit through which abundance can flow.

With gratitude, see and appreciate the many forms of value in your world. With gratitude, make beneficial use of that value.

There’s great work to be done with your gratitude. Be eager to put it into action.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-12-2024 05:26 AM

June 12

Optimize reality

Difficult situations give birth to valuable opportunities. There’s something good you can do.

Disappointment shines a bright light on what truly matters. You have ways to make a difference.

Conflicts and misunderstandings create a hunger for truth. You can act with genuine compassion and honesty.

The world often seems like a frightening and confusing place. Your love and presence bring healing and comfort.

Your attitude and efforts can cause life to be a more positive experience, for you and those around you. Meet each moment with the commitment to give it positive value.

All the things that happen to you, around you and through you are real. With how you are and what you do, optimize that reality.

— Ralph Marston

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