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MajestyJo 04-24-2014 01:54 AM

Topic of the week, words that begin with the letter "C"
C is for Care. I share because I care. By sharing with you, my spiritual needs are met.

I know my God care`s for me, so I need to take care of myself, one day at a time. I am a Child of God.

MajestyJo 04-25-2014 03:05 PM

C is for Choice. We are given freedom of choice. We can choose to get sober or we can choose to continue using. Even if it isn't our drug of choice, which we blame for the condition of our life, we can choose to be drug free or choose recovery from all mind altering substances.

Found it was about choice, no sitting on the fence, it is yeah or nay!

bluidkiti 04-26-2014 11:05 AM

C is for Courage to change the things we can.

C is for Change - Nothing changes if nothing changes.

MajestyJo 04-27-2014 02:43 PM

C is for Core. From the core of our being, we need to gain the courage and strength, needed in order to recover.

I needed to be willing to do whatever it took to stay clean and sober, I needed to do it for me, not for others. If I do it for others, it gives us an out, to go back out and use again, be it people, places, and things.

MajestyJo 04-29-2014 02:38 AM

C is for Cope. For many year, my booze and pills were my coping too, and then they stopped working, and I slid down a crooked path and found myself wanting to stop the world and get off. When I took an honesty look, and chose to reach out and ask for help. I chose life. The 12 Steps of AA are my new coping tool.

MajestyJo 05-01-2014 10:40 PM

C is for Come. Come to meetings, bring the body and the mind will follow. Come to an understanding of who your God is to you. Make your relationship personal and trust that you can communicate with your God one day at a time.

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