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MajestyJo 05-01-2014 10:44 PM

Topic of the Week, words that begin with D
D is for Easy Does It...but do it! Don't let those thoughts, ideals, dreams, etc. drop out of existence. Don't let other things get in the way. Don't allow your past, prevent you living in today and having hopes for tomorrow.

MajestyJo 05-03-2014 04:34 AM

D is for Duddly Doright! Not sure that is how it is spelled, but it gave me the thought, you know right from wrong, do what is good for your recovery. Don't just think about it, follow it up with action. Don't just say it, do it! Drop the old habits and behaviors.

MajestyJo 05-05-2014 01:41 AM

D is for Deserve. Everyone deserves to walk through the door of recovery. The Twelve Steps can help everyone. They are applicable to all areas of our life, and each one who has a different believe in a Higher Power, can get clean and sober.

They are a spiritual tool, and it doesn`t matter what substance you put between you and your God, you too can find sobriety (soundness of mind). Everyone is loveable and worthy of recovery. Don't doubt yourself, know that you are loved.

MajestyJo 05-06-2014 02:24 AM

D is for Doubt. Through a new found faith in my God, I learned to have faith in myself. In recovery, I learned to have faith in the 12 Steps, no matter which fellowship I attended, they worked in all areas of my life.

I learned to have faith and practice the principles of the program to the best of my ability, one day at a time.

When you doubt yourself, you are doubting your God.

MajestyJo 05-07-2014 05:25 PM

D is for Delight. Delight in what is! What would the day be like if you hadn't found recovery? Delight in the delicious gifts that your God sends to you each day.

MajestyJo 05-07-2014 05:26 PM

D is for Deligate. You don't have to do it all by yourself. This is a we program. You have a Higher Power, and it is not you, don't play God with your life and that of others.

MajestyJo 05-09-2014 03:24 AM

D is for Daily. We practice these principles in all our affairs. That means one day at a time.


Principles of the Twelve Steps
1. Honesty2. Hope3. Faith4. Courage5. Integrity6. Willingness7. Humility8. Brotherly Love9. Self Discipline10. Perseverance11. Ever Presence of God12. Service to Fellowman,
Principles of the Twelve Traditions
1. Unity2. Direction3. Recovery4. Understanding5. Sharing6. Simplicity7. Independence8. Selflessness9. Service10. Survival11. Self Reliance12. Humility
Principles of the Twelve Concepts
1. Responsibility2. Reliance3. Trust4. Participation5. Democracy6. Accountability7. Balance8. Consistency9. Vision10. Clarity11. Respect12. Spirituality

MajestyJo 05-10-2014 09:03 AM

D is for Dry Drunk. A dry drunk is someone who puts the plug in the jug and puts down the drugs, but continues to act out in their old behaviours, habits, and patterns. We need a spiritual solution, to change our attitude and bring us new awareness.

MajestyJo 05-11-2014 03:46 AM

D is for Divine. Look for the Divine Orderly Good in your life. It was through divine providence that I found my way to the doors of recovery. It is my continued choice in life and continued desire to look for this gift that enriches my soul and blesses me each day.

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