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MajestyJo 05-31-2014 10:46 AM

Topic of the Week. Words beginning with the letter "G"
G is for Glad. Glad that I found the rooms of recovery. Glad that the 12 Steps worked for me. I know it is because I worked for them.

Glad for fellow members who share and visitors who come to visit us to share their journey with us.

Glad that just for today, I don't have to use. Glad that one day at a time works.

Really grateful for the tools of recovery. They are there for the taking.

Check out new post on tools for sobriety. This is a we program, my way didn't work. I tried 8 years before I found AA, and the other fellowships.

MajestyJo 06-02-2014 07:12 AM

G is for God. To God be the Glory. It is the God of your understanding, not the God everyone told you about. I had to go on a spiritual quest, to find out who my God was to me. Whether it is a religious God, good orderly direction, a group of drunks and drug addicts, make your God personal. For me, God was an old tape. I was raised in the Gospel Halls, and it didn`t stop me from becoming an alcoholic or an addict. I was put on Valium at 16. I stole a glass of wine at 10 years old and remember trying to make a gulp look like a sip. The more I used, the farther away I got from God.

I came back to my God with a new awareness and a new understanding.

MajestyJo 06-03-2014 04:02 AM

G is for Gracious. Be gracious in all that you do. A few manners go a long way. Give thanks, not only to God but to those who He has put on your recovery path to guide you along the way.

MajestyJo 06-05-2014 09:18 AM

G is for Gratitude. Gratitude is an action word. Don't just say it, show it!

My sponsor told me many years ago, a grateful alcoholic/addict will never have a reason to pick up, he/she may have a lot of excuses, but no reason to pick up, no matter the situation or the substance.

A friend told me one day when we were going to a bridge dinner, you aren't going to drink, I am here and I am not going to let you. She doesn't know the disease of addiction, if an A decises to use, no one is going to get in the way, and unless the A makes the decision to ask for help from a Higher Power, they will drink and drug again. She doesn't have the power. So grateful that my Higher Power does.

MajestyJo 06-06-2014 02:24 AM

G is for Grace. My God's Grace is Sufficient to me. Without it, I would not be here today clean and sober.

MajestyJo 06-08-2014 01:23 AM

G is for Get Honest. Be honest with yourself, quit turning a blind eye. Quit pulling on the blanket of denial. Don't say what you think people want to hear, speak your own truth. Be honest with yourself, your God, and others. When you are honest, you don't have to remember all those lies and stories you told.

MajestyJo 06-10-2014 04:36 AM

G is for Growth. Growth in ourselves being aware of who we are and accepting it in the moment, knowing it is subject to change.

Growth is seeing the good as well as the not so good, and willing to change.

Growth is when we change and no longer act out in our disease.

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