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MajestyJo 08-07-2014 12:03 PM

Topic of the Week, Words that begin with the letter "O"
O is for Open. Open your eyes and your heart. The longest journey we make is from our head to our heart.

We need to open our mind to new things. Our old thoughts and action brought us to the doors of recovery. Our thinking took us to our drug(s) of choice, so it is best that you be open and willing to change in recovery. We have to inventory to see what is there, share with someone else to get a true perspective, and apply the Steps. For those who work with their Bible, know that the Steps are crossed referenced to the Bible Serenity.

MajestyJo 08-08-2014 05:03 AM

O is for Out. How this program works? Honesty, open-minded and Willing.

Be sure you will out yourself. Reality sucks when you finally find self-honesty, because when you look at things, and see it from the standpoint of recovery.

If you stay clean and sober, you won't mind being found out, because you have no secrets to hide, and know your own truth.

I no longer have to lie and be deceitful, and afraid to be found out. I have had it all out with my God, my sponsor, and looked at myself, and outed on myself.

MajestyJo 08-09-2014 11:29 PM

O is for Ostrich. Don't be like one and bury your head in the sand and not take a look at your life. Even if I turn a blind eye or choose to bury issus and challenges in my life, without acknowledging them and processing them, I will find myself back out there, and end up with more problems that have come back and haunt me.

We will feel ostracized, but in fact it is our barriers and blocks that keep us from others and God.

MajestyJo 08-10-2014 05:24 PM

O is for Ouch. Why do we wait until the ouch gets unbearable that we reach out and ask for help. Even in recovery, we can get stuck in our stuff, and when we are in the middle of something, we can not see what is around us, or not willing to take an honest look. The program works when we work for the program. We not only have to work it, we need to learn to live it.

Let go of the "Ouches" and get into the "Ahhhhhs!"

MajestyJo 08-13-2014 03:54 AM

O is for Opposite. I asked my sponsor what I needed to do in recovery. He said that I had to make a 180 deg. turn and do the opposite of everything I thought and did prior to recovery.

Your best thinking got you to the doors of recovery, why should you want to continue to act out in your disease.

Out yourself, share with others, and walk the recovery road, it is a journey not a destination.

MajestyJo 08-13-2014 04:13 AM

O is for One. One for all and all for One. One God covers all, no matter what you call Him/Her, God answers.

Get out of self, and be at one with the fellowship of your choice.

MajestyJo 08-14-2014 05:13 AM

O is for Orange. Orange you glad you came to NA. That is where I first heard it. I know that I am glad I found recovery. Such a nicer orange than those suits they get you to wer when you get caught up in your addiction.

I never ended up in jail because of my recovery. Didn't need bars, my mind kept me a prisoner for a long time. I went to jail in recovery, going in and putting on meetings for AA, NA, and Al-Anon and going in and doing one on ones with the clients.

As they say, "Orange is the new black!" Personally I like black to wear and oranges to eat. In recovery, I am given free choice.

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