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Old 12-13-2013, 09:47 PM   #2
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When I came into recovery, I didn't have a clue what letting go meant. Some days, many years of one day at a time, I still don't 'do' Letting Go very well.

I didn't have a concept of letting go. I didn't know how to do it and it took going to many, many meetings and listening to others that it just seemed to happen and the light bulb went on.

I was indeed, totally in the dark about this. It was my job to worry, fret, grit my teeth, etc. I have this problem you know, not knowing the problem was me.

It has always helped to direct my thinking on something positive and helping others which in turn, helps me to not focus on me and my problems. There is always someone hurting more than me and I can put my problems in their true perspective. I had a sponsor and spiritual adviser, who use to tell me, not to call them problems. He said they are challenges. Challenges we overcome, problems we can tend to get stuck on.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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