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Old 12-29-2013, 06:15 PM   #14
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Just sharing my experience, saw it happen many, many times. I have seen people just rely on religion and cut back on meetings and stopped doing the steps, and relapse.

I was raised in the church, went back twice to church, and left and haven't made a choice to go back, although I have thought of it a couple of times, it hasn't materialized. I have no trouble with church, I have issues with some of the doctrines, which are man made.

I have had many people contact me and thanked me for showing them there was another way to believe in God. It is my understanding, your understanding, so why deprive someone else of their understanding.

When you go to an AA meeting, it is an AA meeting. Most are in church basements, so the Bibles are generally there, also posters and literature. As far as I can see, the church is an outside issue. Something to be discussed outside of the rooms of recovery, the Preamble and the Traditions state this.

I grew up knowing Jesus loved me, and I still know He does. That is church, it is not recovery from addiction. Your Higher Power may be Jesus, I didn't find that He worked for me, even though I believed in Him. Knowing of His Love, didn't stop me from becoming an alcohol or an addict. I couldn't stop and stay stopped knowing His Love, I had to find AA and NA for that. There I was introduced to the spiritual aspect of my disease. It was then, that I was able to reinforce my commitment to my God, which is the Holy Spirit. I sponsored an atheist, who ended up going to Bible Study.

When one is focused on the Spirit, you should be open to others and willing to accept everyone into recovery. For me He is the Creator, the Healer, the Majesty and Glory of the Universe and all of creation. He doesn't block people from getting clean and sober.

Bill and Bob and the 1st 100, changed the program so that ALL can recover. What I want to know is why you would choose to keep some people out and not allow them the opportunity for sobriety (soundness of mind).

The Bible like the Big Book, it is all words. Unless you take the words off the pages and live them, they don't work or they make you a hypocrite. All talk and no action makes for a very sick person, be it a Bible Thumper or a Bleeding Deacon.

The Big Book is only suggestions, they are not "Thou shall nots!" There are some darn well betters, or you will pick up a drink or a drug of some kind. Be it food, gambling, workaholism/addicted to busy to escape reality, computers, etc., it all leads to the same soul sickness.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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