Thread: The Curmudgeon
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Old 03-09-2025, 07:50 AM   #1
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Default The Curmudgeon

The Curmudgeon by Vonette Bright

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:44

When Stephanie Whitson was a young mother, she lived across the street from a very grumpy old man.
In fact, no one in the neighborhood liked him.
When his wife passed away, Stephanie began getting nudges from God.
You know, the “still small voice” which points you to a God-given opportunity.

So with much fear and trembling, Stephanie placed a rose and bud vase on the man’s porch.
With it she left a note saying she was thinking about and praying for him.
Shortly thereafter, her doorbell rang. It was the grumpy old man!
With tears in his eyes, he thanked her.
He had been angry at God for taking his wife. But Stephanie’s note showed him God still cared.

Friend, listen to God’s still small voice. Be God’s sunshine in your neighborhood!
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