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Old 03-09-2014, 10:30 AM   #6
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V is for Vice. Why worry, you have your Higher Power? Don't worry and fret about things, especially those things you don't have any power over, worry won't change them. Don't worry yourself to death, you miss out on your God's Will's for you. Worry is a block and prevents God's Whisper reaching your ear.

We have lots of vices, they call it being human. That is why I take them to my God. Anything I put between me and my God, be it people, places, things and feelings, becomes the god of the day.

Going back out and using, doesn't help, the pain is still there when and if I get the opportunity to get clean and sober again. Feelings of more keep me using. As the saying goes, "Just because you have a feeling, you don't have to act out on it. Vent it, don't keep it inside.


Love always,


I share because I care.

Last edited by MajestyJo; 03-09-2014 at 10:37 AM. Reason: format and spelling ;)
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