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Old 07-08-2014, 08:02 PM   #2
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Was asked this in early recovery and many times after ward. She had a government job, a car, and had her own house; and I had a bachelor apartment and was on disability. I could not believe she asked. She had several years in recovery. Recovery is NOT about who you are, what you have, or how long you have in recovery, it is one day at a time. I had under a year in recovery.

All I had when I moved into my first bachelor apartment was 8 garbage bags of stuff, a tri-light and a small square table from an aunt. I borrowed a mattress and slept on the floor, dishes and pots and pans. My God provided and I moved into a one bedroom apartment and ended up sharing what I had with others.

A guy said to me, "There is no reason asking how you are, you are always fine." It was true, I was clean and sober.
How could I rejoice? I was clean and sober. I had found the God of my understanding, and through Him, I found myself.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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