The say the God of your understanding. If you have no understanding, do what I did, I went on a spiritual quest. I got to a year sober and didn't have a clue who my God was to me and had no perception.
Just keep coming and more will be revealed.
I like your cartoons, I got to a place in recovery that I was addicted to to the computer and building sites. I prayed and asked for help. It was mostly my thinking, that I had to change and lose the total obsessive, compulsive thoughts followed by actions, that needed an attitude adjustment.
I was told anything can be my Higher Power as long as it wasn't me. At first, mine was the group. As I found the spiritual principles, my mind open, and I saw many things. My spirituality helped to enhance my religious beliefs from my child hood and I was able to develop a new relations with my God. It doesn't matter what you believe and if it is different than what others believe, your God will reveal Him/Her/It to you.