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Old 08-25-2014, 04:24 PM   #3
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Today's Reminder: Each of the Twelve Steps challenges me to be absolutely honest with myself. They will make me ready to accept the help of my Higher Power in restoring myself to the wholesome sanity of a mature, reasonable adult.

"The Twelve Steps will point a way to God and His infinite wisdom, by which I hope always to be guided."

Sept. 21 ODAT in Al-Anon
...Twelve Steps challenges me to be absolutely honest with myself. They will make me ready to accept the help of my Higher Power...

This part stuck out for me. It wasn't only about finding my God, but it was about asking for help. It wasn't a just about the journey to find my God but about finding myself.

I was very broke and fragmented when I came into recovery. Thanks to the 12 Steps, I was made whole.

For many years, I looked outside of myself for something that would make me feel better. I used people, places and things, looking and searching for something that would fill the empty space inside. Through the 12 Steps, I was able to find spiritual food to fill the void.

In today, my God utilizes people, places and things to show me a better way of living.

Coming from both sides of the street, I heard people say, "Everything you need to know is in the Big Book." My experience, strength and hope came from the 12 Steps.

As I heard one person say many years ago, "I came, I came to, and I came to believe that the program would work for me too."

In order for it to work for me, I had to take my eyes off of the addict and stop taking his/her inventory. I had to take my own. Instead of looking outside of myself or at someone else to blame who I felt cause me shame, I had to look at my own thoughts and actions. Some of it was very shameful all on it's own without anyone else's help.

The screaming shrew found serenity. The first class b*tch became a person people wanted to be around. The always complaining nag found acceptance and lowered her expectations of her self and her addict(s). The supposedly good Christian woman became spiritual and learned to care for others.

They became a way of life. They are a living program. It is one day at a time. Life didn't get better, I did.

This was originally posted in 2011.

I am still of the same mind, the 12 Steps are a recovery tool, no matter what fellowship you belong to.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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