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Old 12-22-2014, 11:43 PM   #2
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This is what I needed to read tonight. Thanks my friend. My son is out there tonight doing his thing and I am totally powerless as to the consequences of his actions and choices.

I was told not to put a 'cushion' under his bottom so he lands so softly he won't think about getting help.

My husband left when my son was two months old and he was the whole center of my life and it was difficult learning how to not 'do' for him. That was one of the things he had to deal with, "Mother smothering him and wanting everything to be better in his life than it had been in hers. You can't go back and make it right, but you can change your actions to make it right in today.
Written in 2009

My son was using today. When he came by tonight, we had words and he brought up the past. I reminded him that was then and this is today and we are both in different spaces in time.

I found myself very angry. Angry at him and at myself. Yet in truth, it was being angry at the disease of addiction.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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