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Old 09-16-2013, 07:01 AM   #16
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Living it

What if your difficulty is not as difficult as you imagine? What if it is in fact a blessing?

Instead of assuming the worst, give the power of your imagination to envisioning the best. The future has not happened, so right now you can make it anything you choose.

Imagine that there is life on the other side of your problem, and that it is more beautiful than life is now. Then imagine yourself working your way there.

Imagine that you are stronger, more capable, courageous, purposeful and filled with peace. Imagine what confidence feels like, and suddenly you have it.

Imagine your dreams in rich enough detail that you actually begin to live them. Imagine with so much faith that you make an unwavering commitment to bring what you imagine to life.

What you most vividly imagine, and assume without question, and expect with no doubt, you will in fact experience. Imagine the very best, and get busy living it.

— Ralph Marston

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