Thread: You Are Worthy
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Old 11-19-2013, 07:29 PM   #10
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Author Dan Millman says, "...our sense of self-worth is the single most important determinant of the health, abundance, and joy we allow into our lives."

In truth, each of us is innately worthy. Our worthiness does not have to be strengthened or improved.

I may not PERCEIVE myself to be worthy, however. If I doubt my self-worth, consciously or unconsciously, I will limit the good things I will allow into my life. Subconsciously, I will choose or attract into my life what I believe I deserve and nothing more.

EXERCISE: Your self-worth reflects your overall sense of your own value. Our exercise today asks you to explore this question: HOW DESERVING AM I?

It may help to ponder these questions:

- Do you find it easier to give than to receive?
- Do you have as much money as you would like?
- Do you feel driven to improve yourself?
- Do you value other people's time more highly than your own?
- How would you feel if someone offered to pay you a salary of 10 million/year?

Take some time to answer these questions and write your thoughts in your journal. If you discover you have set limits on what you deserve to receive in life, don't despair. (We all doubt our self-worth to some degree.) Being aware that we have set limits is a huge step forward in beginning to let them go.

"I have never been contained except I made the prison."
-- Mary Evans

"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them."
-- Brendan Francis

You are worth it!


Love always,


I share because I care.

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