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Old 12-01-2013, 12:14 AM   #12
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 78

Another week gone, this bothers me. Funny how fast time goes at this stage of life (with the exception of when one is in jail...inside joke...Ahhh, get it?).

I fear something is terribly wrong with my mental health,. I have started with the local mental health agency paid for with medcaid (hopefully). I have doubts.

In the mean time I struggle to piece together alife torn apart for the second time by drugs...and love. This difference being that when I did it the first time I had hit bottom and the only way to go was up. This time there is still far to fall and I lack the self discipline to take advantage of the down time before school starts again (hopefully).

Hmmmm...I was briefly distracted and lost my train of thought. I would really prefer not to HAVE to do drugs ie; presribed.

Be Well,
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