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Old 09-16-2014, 07:31 AM   #16
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Great and limitless promise

This day exists so that you can do something meaningful with it. This world exists so that you can marvel at its astounding beauty.

Your thoughts, passions, skills, interests and abilities are yours so that you can make use of them. The miracle of life is yours so that you can experience it fully.

The possibilities are here because you will find so much fulfillment in bringing them to life. The challenges are here because you can lift all of life by working through them.

There is hope because you are able to feel it. There is love because you are able to give it.

Realize how vital it is for you to appreciate how precious and full of promise it all is. Resolve again to live life’s great and limitless promise one unique moment at a time.

Feel the richness of life as it exists right now. Step forward, with a joy that goes beyond understanding, and fulfill the promise.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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Old 09-17-2014, 07:38 AM   #17
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sincerely useful

Be sincerely useful, and create meaningful value. You’ll never run out of opportunities to make a difference.

The fulfillment you seek will not come from what you possess. It will come from what you contribute.

Life is beautiful and you can make it more so. The opportunity is everywhere.

The more challenging things become, the more of a difference you can make. Remind yourself how great it feels to genuinely be of service, and then do it again and again.

The more you give, the richer your life becomes. The more value you create, the more hopeful and fulfilling all of life becomes.

Seek to be useful, and you’ll find plenty of ways. Choose to make a positive difference, and experience life at its highest, most satisfying level.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-18-2014, 08:33 AM   #18
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

What you need

You have what you need. Now go make something of it.

You have an abundance of possibilities. Now get busy fulfilling the best of them.

You have resources, abilities, interests, skills and passions. Now do something meaningful and enjoyable with them.

Don’t waste your time and energy wishing for more. Invest yourself in creating new richness in your own unique way.

Instead of obsessing over what you don’t have, imagine what you can create. Instead of getting hung up on the challenges, get excited about the possibilities.

You are connected to all of life’s abundance. Now do the work to create and to follow the path of your own special greatness.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-19-2014, 07:10 AM   #19
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Friday, September 19, 2014

Expect better

Expect this day to be a richer, more fulfilling day than yesterday. Expect better, and your life will rise to meet those expectations.

Expect the most favorable outcome and you’ll discover ways to bring it about. Expect a positive experience and you’ll find the goodness in every situation.

The way you act is informed and influenced by what you expect. Choose to expect better and you’ll do better.

Expect to understand, to resonate and to forge deep connections with those around you, and you will. Expect to create value out of whatever you have to work with, and that value flows forth.

Expect to make a meaningful positive difference today. Expect peace, love, healing and goodness, and your efforts and energy will focus to bring them about.

Do yourself and your world a big favor, and expect better. Expect better, and find joy in the journey of making it so.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-20-2014, 08:23 AM   #20
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

New learning

You’re never too old, too knowledgeable or too experienced to learn something new. It can be positively energizing to learn a new skill or to improve significantly on an existing one.

One big hindrance to new learning is the assumption that you already know enough. In a world where knowledge is increasing at an unimaginable and accelerating pace, that’s an assumption that can get you in trouble.

Be truly thankful for what you know. Then make even better use of that knowledge by building on it.

Your mind benefits from challenging mental exercise just as your body benefits from rigorous physical activity. Keep your mind in great shape by opening it up to new and invigorating challenges.

Make your valuable life experience even more valuable by adding new skills and knowledge to it. With each new thing you learn come great new opportunities.

Open your mind to new learning. And enrich every area of your life.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-21-2014, 06:59 AM   #21
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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Magnificent garden

Instead of looking for reasons to complain, look for ways to be joyful. When you’re not sure what to do, take a long, deep breath and smile a delightful, sincere smile.

Put a little beauty in your thoughts and you’ll see much beauty in your world. Think again and again of all that you have to be thankful for.

Peacefully accept what is, and transform it into the best of what can be. Remember that nothing ends up being the way it first seems, because it is all influenced by your own perspective and your own actions.

Enjoy the unexpected twists and turns in your life’s adventure. Treasure the experience, the learning, the love and the richness of every little thing.

Make life great by appreciating how great it is. Give each day value by making positive, purposeful use of it.

Small, fragile sprouts of beauty, wonder and abundance spring up in every moment. Love them, nurture them and let them grow into a magnificent garden of your very own design.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-22-2014, 08:15 AM   #22
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Put passion

Put passion into what you do, whatever it is. Your passion confers great power, and engages your best abilities, and you can put it into anything.

There’s no need to search for, or wait for, or wonder about what will give you passion. Go ahead and give your passion to the moment you’re in.

What provides you with passion is your choice to live it. What gives you passion is your decision to allow it to flow into your thoughts, words and actions.

Live your life not as a bystander. Live in this world, on this day, at this place as an active participant.

Discover how empowering it feels to give authentic passion to the smallest of details. Experience for yourself how great it is to care without holding back.

Put passion in this day, in this task, and in this circumstance. Be rewarded with exceptional effectiveness and meaningful achievement.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-23-2014, 07:15 AM   #23
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Reach forward

You might not reach your goal today. Yet you can reach a significant part of the way toward it.

You may not make as much progress today as you intend. Yet you will make some valuable progress.

Don’t you dare be discouraged by what you were not able to do. Instead, be inspired by what you have been able to get done, and by what you’re now in a position to achieve.

Even though you’re not able to reach all the way right now, reach. Go ahead, do what you can, now when you have the opportunity.

Get started, continue, make some progress, then do it again and again. Small efforts add up to big results when you repeat them often enough.

Reach forward, work forward and move forward. You’ve made some meaningful progress, and now is your chance to make even more.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-24-2014, 09:03 AM   #24
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Savor your time

If you rush through life, you miss the best parts. Take your time, enjoy your time, savor your time and make rich, meaningful use of it.

Instead of rushing to get as much as possible done, take the time to do things the best you possibly can. Instead of racing to finish, enjoy the journey as you create great value along the way.

Being effective is not the same as being busy. Just because something is urgent doesn’t mean it’s important.

There are many things that can be done quickly, yet have little value. It’s better to invest your time in one thing that really matters than to waste it on a dozen things that don’t.

Let go of the need to skim quickly along the surface. Allow yourself to dive deeply and meaningfully into life’s richness.

Your time is precious, so treat it with the respect it deserves. Rise above the anxious hurrying, and make every moment really mean something.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-25-2014, 01:03 AM   #25
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

A new you

If you’re stuck, you don’t have to be. If you’re weary, disappointed or unmotivated, you don’t have to be.

You can change, and you can make that change for the better. You can transform your thoughts, your perspective, your direction, your possibilities and your life.

Every moment, a new you is being born. You can simply let the new you be just like the old you, or you can choose to make improvements.

If your past has not lived up to your highest expectations and best possibilities, now is your opportunity to break with that past. A new you is being born, and you can fill that new you with new, positive energy, assumptions, expectations and actions.

Everything you’re disappointed about has already happened. This is the new you, with the opportunity to make much better things happen.

Right now there’s a new you, more knowledgeable, experienced, capable and inspired than ever before. Let the new you step forward and make life the best you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-26-2014, 08:54 AM   #26
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Prison of your own making

Are you holding yourself in a prison of your own making? If so, today you can choose to set yourself free.

Worries, insecurities, outdated assumptions, and a negative self image can all prevent you from experiencing life at its best. You can let those limiting influences fall cleanly away from your life.

The obstacles that life sends your way will continually challenge you, and yet with intention and commitment you can move beyond them. Before you can do that, however, you must set yourself free of the self-imposed obstacles.

Raise your vision of yourself above any troubles and shortcomings that may have occurred in your past. This is now, and you owe it to yourself to maintain an empowering view of yourself.

If you’ve known a lot of disappointment, there’s no need to fear more disappointment or failure. Just accept that they will occasionally come, and look forward to the great satisfaction you’ll find in working your way beyond them.

Choose to set yourself free from defeating thoughts that have held you back. Knock down the walls you’ve built around you, and let the full richness of life come in.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-27-2014, 08:28 AM   #27
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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Make it your choice

Let go of the thoughts that you need to do, that you need to have, and that you need to be this or that. Embrace the opportunities to choose to do, choose to have, and choose to be.

If you’re constantly catching up with your needs, you’re operating from a perspective of weakness. Instead, see the tasks, commitments and responsibilities as things you have chosen, and give your life the positive power it deserves.

From all the available possibilities, your choices have brought you to where you are today. Going forward, your choices can take you where you wish to go.

Don’t discourage or frustrate yourself by seeing yourself as burdened with needs. Make it your intentional choice to do what you do, and discover your true power and effectiveness.

Put energy, joy and satisfaction into your work by choosing to get it done. Add great value to your relationships, your commitments and responsibilities by choosing to honor them with the way you live.

Don’t let the perception of need enslave you. Allow the reality of your positive choices to give the power of purpose to all you do.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-28-2014, 08:03 AM   #28
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Even when you fail

As desirable as it may be, success usually serves to confirm what you already know. Failure, on the other hand, teaches you something new and valuable.

Failure is painful, and that makes its positive lessons all the more memorable. And failure never has to be final, because of how it teaches you to succeed.

Though you wouldn’t want to seek failure, you don’t want to fear it either. It is by living with the possibility of failure, and by learning from the experience of failure, that you develop the strength to achieve.

Go ahead, step forward, and give your very best to the effort. Live and act with the genuine confidence of knowing that even when you fail you’re making positive progress.

When you’re willing to learn and to adjust, failure cannot keep holding you back. When the goal is clear and the purpose is truly yours, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

Even when you fail, it won’t be for long. Keep that in mind, and have the courage to do what you must do to live the most outstanding life you know you can live.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-29-2014, 07:53 AM   #29
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Monday, September 29, 2014

Get up and get going

Taking action is not as difficult as you imagine it to be. Get up now and get it done.

The comfort and ease of doing nothing are highly overrated, especially in the long run. Life is here, life is miraculously yours, so live it.

Live life fully by taking an active role in it. Feel your purpose, feel your desire, feel your dreams and follow them with all you have.

Make a commitment, voice your opinion, use your skills and put real, active substance into this day. Step forward, put forth the effort, follow through and contribute your own brand of richness to this beautiful world.

The possibilities are all around you. Great new value is begging to be created, and you’re in the fortunate position of being able to answer the call.

Remind yourself how effective you can be and then put that effectiveness to good use. Get up, get going and give your best to this great day.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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Old 09-30-2014, 09:27 AM   #30
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Good enough

If you don’t have time to get it all done, get some of it done. If you’re not able to do it perfectly, do it the best you can.

It’s great to visualize an ideal world. Always keep in mind, though, that you must live in the real world as it is.

Conditions are never going to be perfect, so stop waiting endlessly for them to be. The fact is, you can arrange for conditions to be good enough, and then go forward with what you have.

Aim for perfection, but don’t let that stop you from working with reality. Live according to your highest vision, and also with practical, common sense.

Climb to the top of the mountain and get a clear view of the big picture. Then commit yourself to taking care of all the little details, filling that big picture with living richness.

See life as the best it can be, and live life as it comes to you. That will keep you always moving in a positive, fulfilling direction.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

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