We'll find no lectures to endure or axes to grind, just fellow sufferers like ourselves who are willing to sharing themselves with us so that we and them can both get better. Some of us when we're new to recovery think it's got to be hard for us in order for us to stay in recovery, when in reality none of us will continue to stay in recovery unless we learn how to be comfortable with being here, and we all need to be here. No one ever arrives here to recovery by mistake, and this is true for all of us, even for those of us who think that it's a mistake for them to be here. And those of us who make it difficult on ourselves to be in recovery, aren't going to stay, and we're the ones who are going to find out first hand what happens to all of us by us not being here in recovery. We all can be as good as we want to be ourselves by being in recovery, and by taking comfort in the fact that we are here, and trust we are making things easier for ourselves by being here, and that it's okay if we all do this, because this way we'll all want to be here. The harder we all make it on ourselves to be in recovery the more likely it is that we won't be able to stay. There is no other place any of us can go where we'll all be as safe as we are when we're here in recovery, with others who have been through what we've all go through who don't want to go back there themselves who are willing to help us so that they don't have to. All of us will be comforted by all of us doing this and for being here in recovery where we all belong.