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Old 06-17-2016, 02:51 AM   #1
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Default Need advice

Hi all.. I am heavily addicted to drugs. I use alcohols too. 1 year back, my car met with an accident due to drunk driving and a child in the opposite car died. The case was settled with the help of dui lawyer Kostman & Pyzer in Toronto. I tried to control the use of alcohols and drugs after that. But I failed. Last month, I met with another accident and a boy's hands were broken. I want to get rid of this habit. I don't want to kill anymore person. Please give me some suggestions to recover. Please...
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Old 06-17-2016, 05:03 AM   #2
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My sponsor usually tells me exactly what God needs me to hear.

Somewhere in the advice phase of our conversation regarding such grave conditions, the big book phrase, "as only the dying can be," comes to mind.

There are also unfortunates such as us, that somewhere along the line, are deprived in the early stages of being half way in and half way out, of their honest to goodness desperation that was previously used to motivate them to do something about their alcoholism in the first place.

Eventually, we all seem to make up our bed, and decide whether we really want to quit, or spend the rest of whatever life we have left, rolling the dice on another potential catastrophe. It sounds like you may have reached that crossroads. And if indeed you have, you’re already reaching out for someone to confirm it.

Only you can decide whether you are alcoholic. I would encourage you to go to a A.A. meeting, and make up your own mind.

And know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
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Old 06-17-2016, 10:16 PM   #3
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Welcome Deker, personally, I was in denial about being an alcoholic, although I knew I was an addict. I went too AA for my denial. Going back to where I came from was not an option. I was introduced to AA when I went into rehab, although I had been to a meeting before, and was in total denial. It would have been good for my dad and my ex-husband, but they were no longer in my life, so I didn't need it. Wrong! I needed AA and Al-Anon. I am also an adult child of an alcoholic and have an eating disorder. The 12 Steps work in my life and in today I know I am an alcoholic. It was the thinking behind the drinking that got me in trouble.

I did what they suggested. I got a sponsor, a home group, got active in my group, and went to other meetings. They suggested 90 meetings in 90 days. I was no longer employable, so me alone with me was not good, so I went to 2 meetings a day and 3 if I could get a ride. I found people doing what I couldn't do for 8 years. I made a decision that alcohol and men were the problems in my life. I could stop, but couldn't stay stopped. When I went to the rooms of recovery, I saw people with days, months, even years clean and sober. AA worked for me, inspite of myself. I had to get out of the way and allow the program to work. If you work for it, it will work for you. It is not a quit fix. It is a process and is done one day at a time. Alcoholism is a disease. An obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body. We don't metabolize alcohol like ordinary people do.

There is a lot of recovery material here. You can't beat a face to face meeting. Find a sponsor, someone who has what you want. Someone you can relate to and feel comfortable sharing with. You are not alone. Keep coming, so you don't have to come back.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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